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  1. Hopefulwishes
    Yume’s Wish A Kingdom Hearts fanfiction by Hopefulwishes

    Chapter One ‘School’
    +No one’s P.O.V+

    An alarm went off. “RINGGGGGG!!!!†It went. “Ugh…it’s too early for this.†Spoke a small, petite girl with coal black hair and calm blue eyes softly. After close to 30 minutes, the small girl got out of her bed and slammed her fist into the alarm. Finally awake, she started her normal routine; take a shower, wash her face, and brush her teeth. Now there was only one thing left; to pick her school outfit for the day.

    She looked in her closet, and found her favorite ensemble; her black, spaghetti-strapped dress with her white-lace shirt to go with it.

    The girl was a beauty indeed, but not that she knew. She was sharp as a needle, but not when it came to her own looks. The girl was small, and short, but that did NOT stop her from having big dreams. She dreamed for fun, she dreamed for a life of adventure, she dreamed of… a life in Kingdom Hearts.
    Yes, most people didn’t share her same view point; they all thought she was daft for even exorcizing the idea. But then again, she wasn’t normal. So it did not even matter. She believed that anything was possible, so she always kept her hopes up. There wasn’t a day that she stopped believing. …So destiny was gonna give her a little push towards making her dreams come true. Scratch that, destiny was gonna shove her hard into her dreams. Destiny favored the believers, who knew? Now all it had to do was wait for the right moment…

    + Yume’s P.O.V +
    After I finished dressing, I looked at my self in the mirror. ‘Nice… well, at least I don’t look fat in it.’ As I looked at my (now broken) alarm, I started panicking. “WAIIIIIIIZUUUUUUU?!?!?!?!?!?†I screamed, “Why didn’t you wake me up?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?†After my shout-session, I clambered downstairs to be greeted with my grinning brother, Waizu.
    â€Ah, I see princess Yume has finally woken in order to grace us with her presence.†He spoke with a sly smile. Before he knew what was coming, he was viciously clobbered by an angry 15-year old. “You jerk!!!!†I shouted at him. “Hey, this is no time for name calling Yume. You’re gonna be late for school!†He spoke with a cat-like grin. “Don’t you think I know that?!? Honestly Waizu, I know you’re older than me, but don’t you think you could act a LITTLE more grown-up?†I lectured as we got into Waizu’s car and drove our way to school.

    Once there, I didn’t even wait for the car to stop. I just jumped out and ran my way through the school to find my first-period class.

    As I entered my class, I heard the late bell ring. “Just in time Hikahoshi-san.†Spoke a teacher. ‘He’s obviously a sub.’ I thought to myself. ‘My name isn’t Hikahoshi. It’s Hikaruhoshi, meaning bright star.’
    “Okay class, we’re going to do chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 …†My consciousness faded as the sub was telling the class’s lesson for today.
    Within the next hour, I was woken by my friend Irai. She had cheasnut hair, laughing green eyes, and a winning smile she is the dictionary picture of a best friend. “Hey, Yume. Wake up! The teach just left so now we have to finish our work.†She spoke enthusiastically. “Aww… I HATE having to do work.†I told her lazily. “Well, okay then. We can bring our work home and have a slumber-party at your house to finish it.†She stated with a smile. “Aww, Irai. You always know how to make work seem less like⦠work.†I said with fake tears in my eyes, like a chibi. With that, the rest of the school day faded like nothing at all.

    Just to let you all know, I'm not gonna post any more untill people statr replying! >.<
    Thread by: Hopefulwishes, Sep 18, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Hopefulwishes
    Hi, desu~ You a TMM fan? I used to be one too, desu~ (desu~ is a fan word. Just like how Naruto always says 'dattebyo'.)
    Thread by: Hopefulwishes, Sep 17, 2008, 64 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. Hopefulwishes
    Hello people! I am the captain of this group! Let us destroy anime H8ers everywhere!!
    Thread by: Hopefulwishes, Sep 17, 2008, 187 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Hopefulwishes
    Hello. I'm Taida, but you may call me Tai. This a Fruits basket RPG, so enjoy. This starts off at Tohru's school. If you are in here you are a zodiac person. (make one up) I am the artic fox.

    Today is Halloween. There is going to be a halloween party with all the members of Tohru's class.

    Tai: Hi Tohru! What are you dressed up as?
    Tohru: I'm dressed up as Glenda, the good witch of the north.
    Tai: How...typical. I'm dressed up as Konata from Lucky Star.
    Kyo: Why dress up? Halloween's a big waste of time.
    Tai & Tohru: :O *gasp*
    Kyo: What?
    Tai: Mister Kyo, that goes against the spirit of Trick or Treating! Say your sorry,!!
    Tai: *le gasp!* Potty mouth! potty mouth! Yuki! Kyo said a bad word!
    Yuki: Oh,....that's not any different then what vulgar Kyo says daily. But, I digress. What or who are you dressed up as Tai?
    Tai: I'm dressed up as Konata from Lucky Star!!
    Yuki: I'm dressed up as Zero from Vampire Knight.
    Tai: Well, you DO have his color hair.

    To be continued by someone else.....
    Thread by: Hopefulwishes, Sep 17, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home