F is for ****, which is what Light says a lot.
Textures from FEEL. ಠ_ಠ C&C dammit.
LOL uncalled directed flame. BAN PLZ. LOL I ain't dead. Cuz living annoys the crap out of someone.
I deleted it for those who've friended me just to prove Im not joking. Bye.
So.... Bye guys.
It was banned? SRS?
Yeah, I'm feeling emo. Cheer me up.
Because the government gives you more campaign funds if you're doing well in the running. If you're doing poorly, you get less funds. Less funds, less ways to advertise. No advertisement - no recognition. No recognition - no votes, no votes - you're not president and you wasted time.
LAWL of course we are~
gynophobia & playfulz @ el jay > all el jays.
trufax ಠ_ಠ
playfulz @ el jay > downburst @ el jay
Who's a democrat? Vote for the Obama Llama. Freedom o speech betch.
LOL I'm an anon.
gynophobia @ el jay > all el jays.
This is true. LJ Wank > n00b wank.
It's more like a fancomic than doujinshi. Doujinshi are fancomics that are sold for profit, and since that's illegal here in the United States, I'd be careful of what I call a fancomic. :/ Also, for critique, the anatomy is... really sloppy. They seem too bubbly and could have less depth.
*Hands you a knife*
Not necessarily. In IM roleplays, a 1st person interaction with another character is most formal. This also applies to community roleplays as well. Not a forum community per se, one more like insane journal or el jay.' It also depends on what kind of RP you're doing on the forum. You have to define the story as a first person or third person. Number 4 should state that when starting a new RP, you should state whether the story will be in 1st or 3rd person. Oh, also... The moment her things were gathered, George handed them to the girl, waving off her thanks. "Don't worry about it", he assured her. He helped her tuck her items back into her bag, motioning over his shoulder to the Cafeteria. "Care to join me?" he asked with a charming smile. He, of course, was hoping for a yes. Fixed. Also, it's wise to mention the character's name instead of "he" or "she" to prevent confusion. Another thing to mention is godmodding. If this were truly a RP post, I can point out a few points where you are godmodding a character.
ಠ_ಠ Yaoi ships FTW