Huzzah I beat Rufus! |D I got banned before her wahaaaa~ Rufus, you owe me a V-Gift D<
Am I? :3 .
Is your siggy really fail?
LAWL I made that XD
Why yes XD
)': poor Alex
Cuz he's banned. WTF who bans Alex? Just cuz he posted a nude video of himself running around in the yard being bit with a bat. You guys sicken me. )':
No throwing Sean out the window. )':
You're a Republican. )': You guys make my son cry.
Nope. I only checked a box.
I'm being quite serious.
Located in the US. Livejournal went through the samehit.
sue your school.
I'm suing the forum for taking away my rights as an American citizen.
LOL why do you want me to die?
Just wanted to point out that suicide isn't funny, considering I'm suicidal and I actually almost killed myself yesterday.
H is for the heaven nor hell Kira will never visit.