Haha, I actually do say "uwaaah" irl. it's a bad habit, orz. Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah uwaaaaaaaaaaah~!!! ❤
Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~!! ❤
Uwaaah~! ❤
Uwah, oh well.
You haven't been looking hard enough. ❤
Eh, I'm just an old member who disappeared into the depths of the unknown.
that's exactly what I mean.
Mahal kita saging.
In before: ☞ who are you? ☞ haven't seen you in a while. ☞ why do you keep leaving? ☞ why do you keep coming back?
RL is harrrrddd Btw Rufus says HI!
Uwaaah |D .
I did |D it's uwaaah@hotmail.com
I'm pulling a Batman. D|
I need to stop disappearing, huh?
Veoh hates my computer :|
It's not that they have a choice. Some people just can't help but be a lesbian, gay or bisexual. Love hits people in unexpected ways.
Boring. Can I watch something NOT from nicovideo?
What? Should I change my userpic? |D
Entertain me. B( Mari is bored.
LOL I forgot I made this thread. GO ME! D|