See told yall Death Note would catch back up with Bleach.
Haruho unraps the cloth on his hands to show green hands. Ali: Are you alright? Haru: I'm fine I just had to do some training.
Haruho pulls his hands out of his pocket and theres clothe rapped around them.
Ali: Well I'm not. Ali heres foot steps out side. She runs out side to be surprised by Haruho. Haru: I'm back.
Ali: Thats uuummm well I guess wierd.
Ali: Uuuummm why do yall have that?
Ali: I have no where else to go.
Haruho kicks the princibles but. Haru: Is there no worthy oponent for me to face. Ali is with Erics groups.
Haruho is now facing the administraters at the acadomy. Haru: Now you shall know my true power as I have shown my pears. Haruho and the princible bow to each other to start.
Haruho deffeats every ninja in the acadomy and gets into a national tournament and wins it. He gets awards and goes on TV. Haruho has grown out his hair though. Ali: A is that him on TV? He grew out his hair? Ali is surprised.
Haruho walks up to a brick wall and punches it and it brakes. Haru: I'm so weak! I must get stronger, and fast! Haruho goes out to a ninja acadomy and enters in it. Ali: I don't know he has never been like this before. Ali is worried for Haruho and wonders where he went.
Thats good. =^-^=
Haruho looks down at his arm. He sees nothing but blood. Haru: CRAP MY ARM WERE THE HECK IS IT! Haruho runs off down the street limping. Then he goes out of sight. Ali: Haruho where are you?!
Haruho runs explostions behind him. Haru: OH CRAP OH CRAP OOOHHH CCCRRRAAAAPPPP!!!!!!!!!! Haruho trips but ends up behind the car.
Crew member/Passenger:Passenger Name:Haruho Gender:Male Age:16 Appearance:Black short hair and brown eyes Bio:Came on this ship with his girl friend Ali Crew member/Passenger:Passenger Name:Ali Gender:Female Age:16 Appearance:Black long hair with blue eyes Bio:Came on this ship with her boy friend Haruho
Haru: Uuuhhh. Haruho starts to run for a car. Ali: HARUHO!!!!! LOOK OUT!!!!
hahahahha yep all the way!
They might feed on uuummmm souls.
it goes in front 20 miles so your right about the miles part. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
HAHAHAHAHA nice one!