OOC:ok he really wants to get on but I'm such a jerk I'm not letting him get on right now because hes been on for about 2 hours.
"Anna its not ok"Haruho says. ooc: darkness will be back later. BIC:Haruho starts to read a book on the ground.
"his hand is fine for now" Haruho steps out of no were.
pops up behind Anna with a knife
Ooc: It can't be Satureday. Haruho pulls out a gun and pionts it at BIC. Haru: You want me to shoot.
I don't know where to get more cloud cards at I have the one from beating hades but need to get more.
don't they have a prince of percia game?
ooc:yah I'm fine I actually know the darkness from within in rl. Haru: I'm not ok.
oc:nothing and darkness CALL ME!
Haru: I'll shoot you.
ooc:A you have to calll me see as I don't know you number anymore.
Haruho goes to the town with a bounty list. Haru: Who is first on the list to capture?
Haru: I have now sold my destiny. Something does not seem right here. Like I just did something that I will not like in the end.
Anger starts to flow threw Haruho's body along with a very strong power. Haru: What is this? I feel difforent then before. Haruho's eyes start to go black, but not just the pupil the whole eye. His teeth get sharper and pionty. His nails on his hands and his feet get pionty at the end. shadows apeare behind him. Haru: Is this a new power or something? Voice: It will help with what I need you for Haruho. Haru: What is my task to get Ali back? Voice: With due time I shall tell you. Till then don't die on me and use those powers wisely. Haru: Fine!
Haruho's hair changes from black to blood red. Haru: What the? His clothes change to a red hoodie and red pants with red shoes. Haru: Nice man.
A voice suddenly comes out of no where but only Haruho hears it. Voice: Now it is time to show yourself worthy to me or your preshus Ali goes and takes a dip in the lake of souls forever. Haru: What do you want from me?! Voice: Nothing important just oh I don't know your servases will belong to me to get her back. Haru: FIne! A piece of paper appears in front of Haruho with a knife beside it. Voice: Now shed your blood onto it to sign! Haruho cuts his hand and blood drips down onto the paper. Haru: There now give me Ali back! Voice: All in good time Haruho all in good time.
Haru: Ali why did you do that? It was foolish and now look at the consiquenses. A tears come down Haruho's cheek and fall to the ground.
Haru: Ali is dead.:(:nono:
Haruho walks in front of a car. Ali: HARUHO! Ali jumps and nocks Haruho out from in the car and takes his place. Haru: ALI! NO! WATCH OUT! The car runs her over and she dies. Haru: NO:nono:This..... This can't happen.
Darkness its ok