it doesn't matter mine is Snowy mine is cooler
no you can't call him that because you don't know him plus I'm just joking around with him.
I do go to your church Squeakers. (Your mom said I could go with yall more often.) Hahahahaha.
Squeakers don't start this!
Shut up squeakers
Yyyeeeaaaahhhhh I don't have to fight very often.
what about me great I'm left out again dundundundddduuuunnnn
1. WHat are you like? (only 1) Cold 2.What would be your role in a pack? (pick 1) The tracker 3.Who is your fav.? or fav name (pick as many as u want) Hige 4.what is your favorite color? (pick as many as u want) White 5.Who would you make friends with? (pick 1) Humans, Wolfs
OOC: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!
OOC: Darkness are you going by my bus tomorow?
"STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" Haruho yelled steaming and getting an attidute but not changing to inferno mode. "What the heck I'm not changing?"
Haruho looks at the book and it says "Angel book". "Great I'm a freaken angel." HAruho says stairing at the book.
A light started to come from inside Haruho as he picked up a book from a shelf. A halo appeared above his head, and angel wings on his back. He had a white scarf cover his mouth and nose, and boots with wings on them. He had wings on his head now, and a staff for angels. "What just happened to me? I look like a fallen angel. Don't tell me I just got changed into a fallen angel." Haruho said in fright.
"Haruho goes to Ali's grave and puts a red rose on it and a tears comes down his cheek as he neels beside it to read the tome stone. "Ali why did you have to die? It could have been me instead. Well you'll come back soon I hope if I can find a way to do it." Haruho gets up and walks off to the library to look up alchemy books that would help him bring Ali back to life.
"Maby I should turn to the good side of me." HAruho says turning good and losing his tempure alil.
"DON'T SSsHHH ME DUMBY! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR WITH BONES NO ONE SSSHHH'S ME!" Haruho said as flames started to come up on him.
"Never." Haruho said scolding.
"Freak the party!"
"Why not give your self to the darkness and drift in dreams forever?" Haruho is talking to himself right now. "Maby I don't want to."