Codes Please help ME. And please give me the Dual-Wielding Sora Code.
Can I have too? And for Valor.
Thank you.^^
Way to the Dawn is Oblivion Code Hi.Can I have the code of Way to the Dawn is Oblivion?
I know but I equip Fenrir in left hand,to right hand: Ultima Weapon^^ Who can port to PAL these codes? Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) 17D5-HBWJ-F9TVJ A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 4XND-MT58-G28ET 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N roxas with master moveset 5NRP-9KVF-0HFUM A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 6E2E-4W5Y-MFM94 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N O,/\,X(to use this first use the limit comand and then hold down the L1button and rapidly press on of the buttons) 2Z7H-77FH-GT0UV XZ2N-K9AB-V2KQD E4G0-CKBP-83JYK CR74-85W7-RVN9J Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 6YZZ-NFBF-WXND7 2Z6B-PGU7-EW5TY X's Status / Move Palette is Y's Status(goofy) V7EG-FU0Z-G975K AKK9-P42M-M6DGD MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ZWGV-VY1W-9CEEZ FY7C-MWXP-685FJ BD85-AMDP-9JUNK WGKN-DP0Y-YEG9C UDX7-1HK7-TGTRD YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Play as Dual-Wielding Sora(Press L2) 2EJN-8A3U-98138 CC8W-4BU6-9ZK2J KXAD-H458-FCBN0 AXFP-CBMZ-U3AUN XTNA-AK11-JEV6A 6YN6-MA5J-XZCTK GKMF-G0EA-C5K8F 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
Can I have the DW Roxas left hand Keyblade's?(AR MAX format please)
Infinite Jump 6GXU-RRUC-0EPBX 2ZXU-UJM5-0VDTH Roxas's room(Not tested) XF87-9ZE1-WERZY U8H0-NHTG-X598M U9TW-A16Q-D89VR
Not at all.:)
Here it is. Enjoy the codes. Drive w/o Party Members 4Q8C-50AR-29XZ5 R30Z-ZZU2-26UG3 Party Members don't Disappear when using Drive UNE4-P2HV-VRA53 47K7-5FC4-R78PX Xemnas (1. Battle) replaces Goofy: JA2W-V0M1-E57YZ 5HHE-PWC2-8KDRE Xemnas (1. Battle) replaces Donald: 6KDU-EVUW-8W5ET N9DB-JRJM-6MAHP Facedown(Lock on him and hold L1 and press square.) 3YYH-G36W-BAX3W PB5T-E7GH-YUEBK
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Who have the Floating Keyblade code and the Organization XIII replacements?Vexen,Laxeaus,Marluxia.Larxene,and Roxas don't need.(T-Stance's all)
OK thank you for the codes ^^
I have it and this is other:S. Look this video:
Anyone who can give me these codes and convert this code to PAL? Codes: Floating Keyblade Shadow Stalker replace Goofy and Donald Duck
Can I have these codes? Play as Dual-Wielding Sora(Press L2) 2EJN-8A3U-98138 CC8W-4BU6-9ZK2J KXAD-H458-FCBN0 AXFP-CBMZ-U3AUN XTNA-AK11-JEV6A 6YN6-MA5J-XZCTK GKMF-G0EA-C5K8F 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Convert this code please to PAL
Hmmm...I not found the code:(
Please can I have these codes?: Floating Keyblade Shadow Stalker replace Goofy and Donald Duck.
Floating Keyblade Code Everybody can I have the Floating Keyblade Code? And the Shadow Stalker replaces Goofy?
- Can I have the Floating Keyblade?Thanks!=):)