Can I have the Sephiroth Battle Warp Code?
Thanks man!
Can I have the Xemnas(1st. Battle) Warp(R2)? Thanks.
Thank you!
Can I have the 1000 Heartless Rebattle(R2) code?
Okay!Thanks for it!
Hi!Can I have these codes in AR MAX?
Can I have these codes?(My Video)
Well here: Code: Infinite Overdrive Use HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 I have another Drive Code.
Infinite Overdrive Use HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 I have another Drive Code.
Tester WANTED FAKE GG2F-F55X-XRZJV 715X-FTD7-ZWU56 NWX0-R4NQ-566KW Detection Shield J1DD-J25C-GJYXG R3H4-NR94-WUQ0U 6RNR-ABZU-MZXG5 Staff Of Detection V01X-PVPT-EJU65 HGYK-ADMY-EPHZ9 UEA8-XTF0-C2JY1 Can I have a tester to test these? And can I have these codes? Play as Atlantica Sora Warp to Sephiroth Battle(R2)
Here: AR MAX(PAL) Riku has Final Form Moveset (Allows ground combos) W2QU-DC2X-9EPNM A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ CodeBreaker(PAL) Riku has Final Form Moveset (Allows ground combos) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000D 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D1694 0803E400
lol.Terra Won't work.
Yeah.Can put into your party but it goes to "T-Stance".
In KH2 You can't fight with Marluxia,Laxeaus... You only can fight with she in KH2FM+
Look my video: Name: KH2 - Sora(With Wisdom Form Outfit) VS. Cerberus and Riku. The code(s) are in the description.(It's on MY YouTube.)
And to you too.Thanks very much.
Ahh thanks very much!
I have a porter but i don't know how to port. But the Sora has Final Form Moveset Code is don't give to Valor Form,Wisdom Form,Master Form Floating Keyblade.
SHIIIIIIIT!!! Can I have the Floating Keyblade?(NOT THE Sora has Final Form Moveset!!!!)
Can I have this: 15 Drive Bars? THIS WON'T LET WORK FOR ME!!! 15 Drive Bars FBY6-FVBM-JG1KG XXTR-ZWVK-R4JZ0