Mine was the 1000 heartless battle. I mean sure, it was mindless button smashing but... It was mindless button smashing!!! *squee*
I really did not like that video. The jumping of the scenes started to give me a headache, and the song really didn't go with the clips. I've seen a LOT better. I actually thought that the fact that they used SO MANY effects was kind of distracting from the fact that the video had no real flow or timing. Just my opinion though.
The only part that I can watch over and over is: Demyx: Run! Run Away! Sora: Okaaaaaayyyy... It cracks me up EVERY time. Well that and Sora weeping openly whilst on his knees in front of his best friend. Nooo i'm not thinking yaoi thoughts.
Well...I'm gonna have to go with some of the other comments. 1: They played Roxas up as this HUGE character before KH2 came out...then you BARELY get to PLAY him!! He could have made such a cool character to play. 2: Axel DIES??? (I admit this is fangirling) I mean seriously, first he's basically not in the game much AT ALL...and then he dies. It was an unnecessary death. The story would have played out the same with or without the death, so why have it? BLEEEH. 3: I HATED that Riku was in a freakin' cloak the ENTIRE game. I had hoped after COM that I would get to PLAY as Riku...but nooooo. He was a cloaked Xenohart heartless freaky boy for almost the entire game. Boooo... 4: Why make the Organization members so sympathetic (i felt BAD for Demyx, Saix and Axel) and then just kill them all off? That was a let down. 5: Feckin' ugly keyblades. Good LORD some of them were ugly.
I...I'm a horrible fangirl. I would always say Sora. *whispers* I love AkuRoku too...hee hee... Twil be the end of me I say...
Axel...*nod nod* Cause I love fiery redheads. I have to admit I grew to love Axel more (if that was possible) when I finally got to read the KH mangas. Yay!
Everyone has one...or at least *I* do. It's that song that you hear on the radio or on a CD and think: "Wow...that reminds me of *insert KH character here*" I don't have songs for ALL the KH charries just yet, but I have a few. Sora: Time After Time (Cindi Lauper of course) Riku: Beautiful Disaster (Yes...its Kelly Clarkson...so sue me) Axel's songs always seem to turn into like...random drag queen songs that I won't go into here. Roxas...I can't think of anything for him...maybe you all can. Kairi and Namine and the rest are all the same...can't quite find a good song. So how about you guys? Name off the songs (and maybe the reasons for discussion purposes) that remind you of your favie KH2 charries?
There's my ugly mug. Gotta love the red hair from the bottle baby!!
Ewwwww...you're a sick sick person...lmao!! But seriously...i'm with you all the way...Axel/Roxas woohoo!
Dude...seriously...there is a community on LiveJournal devoted to that pairing. Its moderately active too. I have never had the nerve to read a fanfiction about that pairing...and probably never will. Because seriously...Mickey Mouse was a part of my childhood and...I dont' want to think about him doing the nasty with a 16 year old boy. REALLY.
Okay...there's pairing number two that squicks me out. The very thought of Riku and...a mouse...kinda makes me giggle/squirm/cringe all at the same time.
Truthfully? I think its much more a marketing thing than anything else. Let's be honest here...there are a lot of fangirls/fanboys out there. Why, just in this forum we have a thread about "pairings". To be completely truthful, I think that the makers of KH didn't make them kiss because it can leave open the fantasy possibilities for *everyone* and not just the SoraXKairi fans. In japan the whole Yaoi/Yuri thing is pretty hot, so they would probably disappoint some of their fans if they ruined their favie pairing by confirming another. Just my opinion, but I think it was marketing and nothing more. I still think that some of the scenes in KH2 were specifically put in FOR the fangirls/boys to let their imaginations wander without taking it too far. But i'm a weirdo so what would I know?
I'm an AkuRoku fan all the way. I adooore the Roxas x Axel pairing. Of all the possible yaoi pairings that one seems to be the most likely to me. And lets me honest...I love Sora X Riku too. *shrug* They're just characters though...I don't really have a problem with ANY pairing...other than Sora X Roxas because thats like masturbation really. And I don't understand how that pairing could exist.
Actually, while I don't necessarily identify with him, I really am the most like Hayner. I have a hot temper and a bit of a large ego. But i'm loyal to my friends and don't mind a good fight. Yep...i'm Hayner.
I stayed in Atlantica and replayed the musical scenes over and over...it wasn't that I liked them... I just wanted to laugh at them. I would point and giggle while getting "poor"s the entire time.
Personal favorite dumbass line? *Sora types on the computer* then...like the genius that he is...says... "Whoa...its doing something..." OMG...you type on the computer and it DOES something? Astounding Sora...simply astounding.
Well...I actually liked Space Paranoids the best. I liked the colors and such. It amused me more than a lot of the others (other than The World that Never Was). I freakin' HATED Atlantica...I played that damn game in english AND japanese and either way...a singing and "dancing" Sora is just not my cup of tea...
I have to admit that...I really love Bond of Flames. *shifty eyes* I'm a shameless Axel fangirl...shameless...
I actually really like Axel's death scene the best. I nearly cried when he said he wanted to see Roxas...*sniff*