The rp was on the top of the list and sounded interesting, and it wasn't until right after I clicked it and waiting for it to load I realized it...
Sometimes I question if I'm the one that has weird cravings.... anyway Thanks all for welcoming me! People do seem nice here.
yeah you and your bf... I always have to remind myself that we are in a dating age sometimes. But me just reading info on the RP The Cold...
I don't know, I could of done something stupid... But now I have figured out why you don't have a lot post points though. So did you get anything...
sorry if I sounded rude, thanks for saying hello :D
hello, may I ask why you messaged me?
Your online, and I know it..... and I really hope this is you... and I'm bored. Yeah I know you can hear me talking, if you can't well... your lost.
Well after several times talking about this site with my friend, I realized I should probably sign up on this site... so I did and well.... Hi! Oh and also just throwing an interesting fact about myself: I take things way to seriously.... so yeah.