*Assumes ninja-guise too* *Assumes ninja-guise also*
cause there was this vid called "Battle against myself...?" and the enemies were all named Darkcloud....weird....
Darkcloud!do you have a youtube account named ShadowZeroEX ?
nope. and as a challenge,name both and get an av and siggy!
Correct!post in my shop!You'll have it asap! Part 4!!!!
O.O... You have to guess!!! It's a digimon
Part 3!Let's go!
right again!but no prize this time since you won last time.
Closer but no DublSoul...
no i switch catagories every now and again!
Both wrong!Close but wrong!
Part 2,people!!!!
Ding Ding!!!we Have A Winner!!!!Post in my shop and I'll work on it asap! BTW:the prize is a sig or av of the character guessed
No... Second hint: Megaman character
You're allowed to search the internet....just don't pester other members about it....
Sure! He is known as the Cyberworld's God of Destruction and he gained the power of the Wolf like Cybeast!
I am going to put someone as the bottom image in my siggy and you have to guess!! Rules:No cheating No cursing If you win,no rubbing it in other peoples faces PRIZES!: Sigs or avs by me!!! the contest starts now! Enjoy!
Hey all!I'm starting a "guess who?" contest!prizes are sigs or avs by me!