...okay.... "Riku broke the pen,riku broke the pen!"
"I am not Emo!You blue rat!:yelling:"
ooc: I ISH RIKU!:yelling:
ooc:...? *runs into room*"Kairi!" *Punches ichigo for no apparent reason*
*Destroys void generator and lets shadow out of the closet*"Now where's Kairi's room?" "Finally I can come out of the closet!...That came out wrong"*Injects riolu with Chaos-nanos*"There...Riolu should be back to normal now..."
ooc:LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Me no elim!Me just cheats is all.... bic: *Riku walks on the beach*"Hey!Kairi!" ooc:*ish plotting now*
*Opens door to closet and takes collar off of Lucario*"Good Lucario"*pats Lucario on the head. ooc:Imma make a new character now! Name: Riku Age: 16 Game: Kingdom Hearts Personality: Like Riku What a twist!!
*Punches wolf in the nuts and picks up the shot label*"Uh...Lucario, this says nano bots....not ridillin...You're an idiot.and wolf you choke me again and you'll get one of those collars and a belt!" *Smiles*
"You honestly think I didn't think of that?"*Collar morphs to the size of lucario's neck in his new form.*Ha! ooc:G2G!L8R!
*Puts Shock Collar on Lucario*"Lucario, when Riolu's belt goes off this collar will. It can't be taken off no matter how much aura you,riolu, or Aron use put together.Now Naruto!" "Right!Shadow Clone Jutsu!Sexy Jutsu!"*Naruto/clones transform*"Riolu-kun..." *Laughs*
can I join?
ooc:Yes Lucario!Get out here now!
ooc:Werewolf....What the heck?!?! Lucario!Get out here!
ooc: Yays! bic: *Walks in,checks in then knocks on Lucario's door*
Name:Shadow Age:16 Show: Sonic X
Pit: Due to programming by ignorant people who don't know how great I am!*Goes dark angel* THEY SHALL PAY!! This thread is now for all SSBB character questions!!!!
*Naruto pops up* 'Beleive it!!!'* hides in well only I can get him out of* http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=1579829#post1579829 Will you guys join my rpg?
EM WAVE CHANGE, ON AIR!!! Geo(Subaru) has found even more FMians on earth, luckily with the help of Omega-Xis(War-Rock) and friends, he can track down and defeat the evil ones!!!! Characters: Geo/Omega-Xis(Megaman) Cygnus Wing Taurus Fire Sonia/Lyra(HarpNote) Libra Scales Gemini Spark Cancer Bubble Wolf Woods Crown Thunder Pegasus Magic-Bryan Leo Kingdom Dragon Sky Cepheus Andromeda Solo/Rouge Hyde/Phantom Monjirō Gori/Yeti Blizzard Kyū Demegawa/Brachio Wave Osa Agame /Condor Geograph Kenta Yagi/Goat Kung-Fu Auriga General Apollon Flame OC: Name: FMian: (optional) Wavechange: (Optional) Pic: Abilities: Toonmaster22- Name:soriku FMian:dareki Wavechange:dark hero Pic:unfortunatly i cant draw Abilities:acid rain,dark scythe,meateor impact and full moon slash
Pit: To answer all your questions: *Hippie Jesus*, I'm not s'possed to say this...but Lucario is one of the better fighters on there, also there is Grey Wolf. kitty_mckechnie, I said crap... Nexus didn't say I was crap Sure I didn't....
I'm starting a fanbook and need questions for characters to answer!So...ask away! First up: Pit! Pit:Crap....