"I'll give you the chance,Kairi...fight me..."
people are actually playing the game I post!
boredum?not on my watch! http://www.addictinggames.com/cannonblaster2.html
*Ish playing mmbn6 with all my partners*You guys all cheat cept megaman! Zero:How? You all hacked yourselves into the game as the navi! Bass:I know!aint it great! Noes...TTxTT
Um...I just discovered I joined a while back with Axel,Zero,Beelzemon, and Nexus as my partners...can I keep them?Also Repliku?
Yays! I ish the Awesome Net-op!
I would like to join as "The Awesome Net-Op" with Megaman, Bass, Zero, and Protoman as my Partners please...
FBI...following me!
What's the av above you thinking?
el leon!(the lion!)
a blue raccoon!XD
a bull ish what!
Riku,Wolf,Fox and ....Axel!
You all can start if you want...
You ish in!
Yeps!BTW you can have 3 more characters.
Dodges Sonic's bullets ooc: If anybody wants to, I have a new rpg to join. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=1719956#post1719956
My friend gave me this idea! Long ago, there were 3 books that recorded every question and answer about all eternity....with these books people became well educated in the ways of the world. But, there were others who wanted to take over the world with these books. The ancients hid them away for safekeeping...but were never found again.... Rules: -You can be anyone you want as long as you have a pic. -5 characters max. -No godding or pp. Resume: Name: Species: Powers: Pic: Weapons Oc Resume: Name: Pic: Powers: Weapons: KeybladewarriorNexus1993: Name: Shadow Species: Hedgehog Powers: chaos Control, blast and spear Pic: Weapons: Guns Name: Nazo Species: Hedgehog Powers: same as shadow Pic: Weapons: None