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  1. Kiria34
    Profile Post

    yoo ;] how are you?

    yoo ;] how are you?
    Profile Post by Kiria34 for Asterisk, Apr 18, 2009
  2. Kiria34
  3. Kiria34
    o alright ;] thanks very much dear
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Kiria34
    oh any worlds i can go 2 to make up my strength?
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Kiria34
    was it just me or did other ppl have trouble beating Demeyx in the 2nd trip 2 Hollow Baston? if u didnt, then tell me how 2. i need 2 beat him...if u ddnt, welcome 2 my =]
    Thread by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Kiria34
    alright, so i wrote a book called Immolation. i wanna c how many ppl want 2 read it. its kinda like Final Fantasy 7, so...lets see. this is just like a movie preview...

    When someone told me that I would have to destroy my own family, I thought they were crazy. But, as terms came to pass, and fate finally stood in the way, I understood what they had meant by that.
    Destroying my family, by killing them, was far from what they had meant. They meant by betraying, not murdering. When I had figured that out, it was far too late to change what I had done.
    I was fourteen. Kalinti was fourteen, as well. Here was what had happened.

    Kalinti had asked me to meet him outside Taseraunt, that night. We were young, and naïve. What could I say? I couldn’t…so, I met Kalinti outside the Square at midnight.
    “Zena,†he said. “I want to join Organization 41’s Soldiers.â€
    “What?†I exclaimed. “What? Why?â€
    “I have to do something with my life,†He told me. “Zack and I have already packed. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.â€
    “Do your mom and dad know?â€
    “Yes,†Kalinti replied. “Zack’s do too. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.â€
    “But, Organization 41 is evil, Kalinti,†I said. “You’d be evil…â€
    “No, Zack and I are out to change the way Soldiers look at things,†He told me.
    “Two fourteen year-old boys?†I asked in disbelief.
    “Yeah,†He told me. “You don’t think we could do it?â€
    “No,†I shook my head. “You can’t go, Kal. What if they make you evil?â€
    “They won’t,†He said. “I promise you. And once Zack and I make it up to the top of them, I’ll come back for you.â€
    “But, we’ll be in two different worlds,†I told him. “You’d be fighting against me, and I’d be fighting against you. We’d kill eachother.â€
    “No…I told you, Zack and I will change the Organization,†He said. “I promise you, Zena.â€
    “What if they kill you?â€
    “They won’t,†he promised. “If they do, then you’ll know.â€
    “You can’t persuade me not to,†Kalinti told me. “I’m going.â€
    “No, but I can get Zack to persuade you,†I shot back.
    “Zack wants to go just as badly as I do,†Kalinti said. “Just trust me, okay?â€
    “I can’t,†I said. “You’re going to get killed!â€
    “No, I wont,†he shook his head. “I’m leaving tomorrow. You can’t stop me.â€
    “Do you promise you’ll come back for me?†I asked.
    “Yes, I promise,†he promised. “I will…soon. Just keep a look out for me.â€

    And I let him go; I let him walk out on me. I watched as him and Zack walked out of Taseraunt the next morning, and I didn’t try to stop them. I didn’t cry, didn’t protest, and didn’t tell anyone where they were going.

    Three years later, the Soldiers attacked Taseraunt, destroying everything and anything in their path. Zack and Kalinti were in them, and were following their exact orders. The houses were burning, and the people were running through the streets. Dad told me I had to come, but I refused. I had to find Kalinti, he promised he’d come back for me.
    So, I looked for him. Finally, I found him. He was marching around with Zack, looking for someone; I could tell by the way their eyes looked around the burning houses.
    “Kalinti! Zack!†I screamed when I saw them. They both looked at me. Kalinti made sure nobody was looking and dodged over to me. He put his hands on my shoulders.
    “Zena,†he said. “We have to go back to Casadayona!â€
    “Take me with you!†I begged.
    “We can’t,†Zack said. “Not this time.â€
    I looked at Kalinti, and he sadly nodded. I backed away from them.
    “Get out of here, Zena!†Kalinti shouted. “Hurry, before they kill you!â€
    I turned and ran. That was the last time I had seen him until three years ago.

    Just like Kalinti had said: he and Zack changed the way the Soldiers thought about things. They were now good, and convinced the rest of the Organization to join them in their battle. While that was happening, I had joined my Dad and his friends, who joined the Organization.
    Kalinti, Zack, and I fought, braving Stairi-the ultimate bad guy-‘s rein. We fought side-by-side, and heart-by-heart. And, then, Stairi killed Zack’s love, Ayr. That’s when everything turned upside-down. Zack went ballistic, and I tried to stop him from going after Stairi, but Kalinti and I couldn’t. Stairi killed Zack, and that left a scar on our hearts.
    After we defeated Stairi, Kalinti left. He went back to Taseraunt, and I went to Casadayona. I opened a bar, and he stayed hidden. I orphaned two kids: Justin and Mileen. I called him on a regular basis, but there was never any answer. And the only reason why I never gave up hope on him was because I knew he was still with me and was listening to every word in the Voicemails I left him.
    Thread by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Kiria34
    well, i rly like V.G.'s....y else am i here? lol =]
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. Kiria34


    i ♥ 2 sing. i have a good voice on me, and i ♥ it. its amazing =]
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. Kiria34
    i love max. as he gets older, he is soo hot =] and george is soo freaking funny :D lol, i love that show
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Kiria34
    advent children...thats like it. i love legend of the seeker, but thats like...a tv show. o well
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Kiria34
    lengend of the seeker and chuck. those 2 shows r the only ones i watch anymore =]
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Kiria34


    chuck hes my monday night maddness. i love him. i think its so funny and brillant all @ the same time. the episodes are so amazing! =]
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Kiria34
    i like the happier endings. idk...i guess that im a little weird, huh? idk, did you know Advent Children was like the only FF movie or game that had a happy ending? it was CRAZY! lol :D
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Kiria34
    i nvr saw it, but it looked pretty good. idk...i wanted 2 and my friend derrick said it was good, and then Rayna said it was stupid, so idk. i rly wanna c it tho
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Kiria34
    yeah, it was of tifa && cloud. sry sweetheart
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Kiria34
    i had 2 fav scenes: when everyone was talking about kadaj bein a remnant and when reno and rude r comparing bombs =] i think those were so funny :D
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Kiria34
    Family Guy is wayy funnier. also, i have a thing 4 stewey. he make me laugh all the time. i love that hes a lil baby, but a man voice. so halarious :D
    Post by: Kiria34, Apr 18, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Kiria34
  19. Kiria34
  20. Kiria34