i liked wisdom 4 show, master for strength and valor in an emergency. i didnt rly like the otyhers, and didnt get to try final form, even tho i wanted 2....
theyre misunderstood...they used to have hearts and they wanted them back. they did all they could to get them back and thats y they created Kingdom Hearts. altho, they didnt rly have any need 2 be goin and killing ppl. they just were misunderstood and thats what made them soo evil
theres a lot of em but riku was prty dang cute in it. i loved fighting with him and i would get a close up in the jounral to see him cuz hes just sooo cute
yes i do think he is...am i the only freakin one? hehe =] hes on my myspace profile 2. idk, he was better in kh2 than FF8 in my opinon. he looks 2 old in FF, and very young like 16 in khs
well, i didnt rly...it all depends i guess...idk. auron wasnt as strong as i thought he woulda been but oh well
they needed zack, enough said. they had aerith and she died, so y not zack?? ='(
id make her more helpless, and less flirty. she needs to be stronger in that game, well kh2
lol, oki. yeah, i'll be on on saturday 2 tlk 4 hours =] hehe, *purrs* its nice 2 talk to u again tho =] its been 2 long
oh, oh my...whats wrong??? is it me??
lol, oki...me 2 =] thats funny, so how r you??
heyy sup? havent talked 2 ya in 4ever!
im good...hehe, but @ school...where r you? not @ school? lol
as i said, im fine, im fine. are you ok?? =][
heyy...i saw ur online
kiaxria, idk, my name w/ an x in it =]
*mews back and purrs* thats good =] uhm..yeah, i cant say much, but i rly miss talking 2 you 4 like hours on end, you know?? =]
*mews* awwie =] im tired 2, sweetheart *purrs*
ooo i like ur page =] thats good i suppose =] hehe :D
awwwie =] *purrs and hugs back* yeah, i missed u =] so..hows ur life been? =]
no, no, no im alright. my pc just didnt let me on 4 a while, && now it is and ive been grounded...i'll get on from time 2 time, maybe school if i...