An ugly-ish side of San Francisco. Mostly Latinos and Asians in this part. The power seems to shut off a lot :3
Can I have Namine?
"Hi people," she said opening the door. ooc - I'll be on and off
Hi :D welcome. Have fun and read the rules ^__^
ooc - lol :p Way into the prom? Darn. Olette will have to be really late x_x I've no excuse. lol ic - Olette made her way to the prom. "I'm late," she sighed.....:p ooc - is there anyone playing Hayner or Pence? lol
Atlantica. The singing was sort of annoying, there weren't many places you could go, no heartless, and I didn't really like the movie. :p (or at least the ending.)
Er, well I was a new student last year so I'm not really excited to go back because I don't have many friends. My friends won't even let me hang out with them. x_x (they talk with me during class, but after and before they're like, "Can you go over there?" >_<) And this group of boys like picking on me and calling me emo. >_> Whats worse is that the teachers are teaching us how to slow dance this year. I hope I don't get stuck with any of them :( But my least favorite thing is going to bed early.
ooc - far are we into the prom? I tried reading the whole thing, but I could only get to page 17 because I was getting sort of confused. lol
Namine put on the Mickey Mouse ears she had gotten the year before. "Yay!" she shouted. ooc - lol :p IDk what to post yet...
Mine starts August 27th. My teachers are gonna teach us how to slow dance x_x I don't want to! Waah
ooc - oh okay. thanx ic - Olette was somewhere... lol ?_? ooc - IDK what to do lol.
can I be Demyx?
The only reason I thought he was hard was because of the water clones
Yay ^__^ I love Disneyland. Cept its too far (well Disney Word is farther lol..) Okay... Namine
ooc - I got disconnected from the internet. What's happening?..
^Darn I wanted to be her^ :p lol Okay, uhm Olette....if I'm not here after its started (I've been busy) you can give her to somebody else :p (if anyone wants to be
Green Green. Well I'm not sure if it's the most perverted but it's still perverted o_o
ooc - okay whats happening?
I want to be...Namine....
ooc - how big is this hill for it to take 3 hours to get up or down? Lol. ic- "Aww," he sighed. He picked up the side of the cauldron and started going back up the hill.