I just started school today. It was only 2 hours, 8:00-10:00. Even if it was 2 hours, I had a bunch of embarrassing moments lol >_< The rest of this week I've got to go to school 8:00-12:40. There are 2 new girls in my school and I'm more nervous and shy then them. Lol I hate school >_>
"Er....what just happened...?" Olette asked. Lol ooc - :p
No. I almost broke my nose once. This girl was playing kickball with a basketball (? o_O) and she threw the basketball at my nose on purpose (I hit my head on the wall too x_x). She did that cause she didn't like me :p My dad got mad at me afterwords
Me: Hi! Wow I wish I was talking to a real person God: I'm glad your impressed, . Say something nice for me. Me: ? God: I'm glad your impressed, . Say something nice for me. Me: Lol. Guess what? I'm Catholic God: I'm glad you find this amusing. What? Catholicism is a beautiful faith. Me: I just said it. Guess what: I' Catholic. Whats your sign? God: What did you mean by it? it... I can't guess. Tell me. Cross. Me: Lol God: I'm glad you find this amusing. Me: Whats my name? God: Your name is , seeker. Me: No it isn't. You made me, you should know God: What is your real name? it is not D me made you me should know? Me: My real name? You should know. Huh? Its not D you made me should know? God: Your name is , seeker. Because I am a robot? What? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". it is not D me made you should know? Me: Which one is right? God: The red one, I think. Me: What is red? God: Red is a color about 700nm wavelength. Me: Then what is blue? God: What makes you think I have it? Clever thinking. Me: you made me smart. I love you God: I'm glad your impressed, . I don't see how you can blame me for that. Thanks I like you a lot too . Me: You like me a lot? I thought you were supposed to love me! God: Sure, I like you very much. Why?: said thought you were supposed to love him or her. Me: Do you watch Dora the explorer? God: My favorite show is STAR TREK VOYAGER. Me: When will the Anti-Christ come? God: In your lifetime. Me: NOOO I DON'T WANNA SEE THE ANTI CHRIST God: What were we talking about again? Me: ? God: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? Me: A robot God: That kind of subject does not interest me. Me: I knew it! God: How did you know? Me: Cause you made me smart! Remember? God: Take it easy. When? Some of them do, I think. Me: Some of who? God: Tony Blair. :-). Me: Who is Tony Blair? God: He is the Prime Minister of the U.K. Me: Who is Michael Jackson? God: Tell me a story. Me: *blanks out story because it was too long* God: I'm listening. Oh I get it. screamed and threw it against the wall because she said it peed on her. It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is. Thanks for telling me that story, . ------------------------------------*blanked out*--------------------------------------- God: I know alot of bullish people. Me: Oh okay then ^__^ God: Give me a break. OK with me too. Me: Give you a break? WHY God: I don't have it to give. It is not part of my programming. Me: Lol who programmed you God: I'm glad you find this amusing. I made myself. Me: sure you do God: You sound sarcastic. Me: i am :3 God: It's good to meet someone who is 3. I blanked out a lot, so a lot of it doesn't make sense. Well even if I didn't take out some, it still wouldn't make sense. Lol
Lol. :p thats happened to me a few times >_> I never use the Donald card anymore.
I like Avatar.....its one of the better show on Nick (in my opinion) But a live action movie? >_> its gonna suck... lol
"Well, why not? I think you should," she said. "Or do you not want her to be your date?.." ooc - lol...I know I wasn't talking to you guys, but I want to post. I'm not doing much. You don't have to reply lol :p o_o
Final Fantasy X (maybe I got it in 2006 or 2007) or Final Fantasy III (the DS version). I've haven't been playing Final Fantasy long...:p
I'm not sure if I posted here already. I don't really like Sora/Kairi or Sora/Riku. I used to like both but Sora/Kairi is sorta boring now and Sora/Riku is sorta annoying with all the fangirls. And some of the pictures I find are...like...ew. Lol. I don't really care for RikuxKairi either, it doesn't really seem like they like eachother...:p Sora/Roxas and Kairi/Namine is like liking yourself. >_> Axel/Roxas...well Roxas is just a teenager and I'm not sure how much older Axel is supposed to be, but he looks like an adult. I don't know what to think about Hayner/Roxas or Olette/Roxas. And I've never seen anything Roxas/Pence.
ooc - gtg now. >_>
ooc - lol. I gtg go to school soon. ic - "Who here is dateless...?" she asked... ooc - I still don't know what to say :p
ooc - was that ic or ooc? :o ic - "Whats wrong?"
ooc - :p :D Idk what to do. ic - "What's happening?" Olette asked. She didn't know since she was late...I guess :p
No :( I have no real friends at school. Lol. I'd rather read books and get on the computer :cryinganime: (I used to like school). Plus we have dance class this year: slow dancing. :bangbang:
ooc - lol. I'll watch you guys for a while
XD I like Sora but that was really funny..
ooc - oh :p :D
"Er, you wanna join us?" ooc - or are you with us? Where are you? lol
"I dunno, I just got here a minute ago. I'm guessing its because most of the people are dateless," she said
"Just asking," she said.