Search Results

  1. Kokoro
    It's either Math, Science, P.E, or History.

    Math- I'm good at it, but it's really boring and I have a C+ in it. (not because I'm bad at it, it's cause I keep forgetting to bring my math to school or to turn it in >_>)

    Science- kinda boring, and it's hard to remember....

    P.E - Eww. DX I suck at all sports (mainly because I don't know how to play the sport we are playing and usually embarrass myself). P.E is the reason nobody likes me.
    The only fun thing to play in P.E is hockey :D Hockey is awesome.
    What sucks more is the principal loves sports and makes it so you have a few hours of P.E. >_> He also makes us play sports on the day that we're not supposed to have P.E.

    History- it would be fun if my teacher had a brain. She makes us do the same page over and over again, forgets our names, forgets the last thing she said, and forgets the homework assigment she gave you the day before. She says she's near 100 years old, so I guess that's the problem o_o It's good beside that, I used to love history.

    I voted math. I wish I would've voted P.E... -__-
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Kokoro

    But I don't use it much...
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Kokoro
    I live on the (ugly and quiet) part of San Francisco. It's kinda peaceful and nice, so I'd say Twilight Town.

    If I lived downtown or near the Victorian houses, I would say Destiny Islands (relaxing and pretty) and Traverse Town (some of the houses look like the buildings in Traverse Town).

    And if you go down towards the "pretty part of San Francisco," you'll see people who are dressed kinda weird. XD (like Kingdom Hearts clothes) they have big hats and weird pants and tops... o_o
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 19, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Kokoro
    I was born in San Francisco, California to a Filipino dad and a Hispanic mom.
    They both work in the post office at night, so I had to be be babysat by my grandparents every night. My dad is also a landlord of 2 apartments so I don't see him much.
    I have a 6 year old sister and a 30 year old half-brother who is mentally challenged.
    When I was 13, my brother was arrested for hitting my dad.
    In elementary school (public) all my friends ditched me, and one threw a basketball at my nose (purposely) and broke it. >_> I was also made fun of for being Catholic.
    In middle school (private) I was very paranoid and always hid from my classmates. I was made fun of for being an "emo Catholic with a lack of faith." >_> I'm not emo..
    My dad's friend became homeless, so my dad let him live in my mom's old car. My mom made me go check on the car everyday to make sure the homeless guy didn't drive off with it... XD
    Now I'm still paranoid and I'm afraid to talk to whatever friends I have XD

    I'm not sure which was worse, public or private school...o_o
    Anyways, my life kinda sucks, but it's not that bad.
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Kokoro
    I'm Catholic so I believe there is heaven, purgatory, and hell. :p

    But if there is no afterlife, I think that you just don't exist anymore..

    I'm not afraid of death, whether there's an afterlife or not. If you don't exist anymore, you can't be sad or alone in the dark. And if there is heaven, hell, and purgatory.....well that's nice. (X

    EDIT: and I'm not afraid of dying either. Unless I'm going to have a slow, painful death. Then I'll be scared :p :D
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. Kokoro
    Movie- Peter Pan or Sleeping Beauty.
    Character- Stitch
    TV Show- I don't like Disney Channel anymore.
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. Kokoro
    • A paopu fruit
    • A gummi ship
    • A keychain from a keyblade (I collect
    • Roxas' trophy
    • Namine's sketchbook and Zexion's lexicon (I wanna see what is in there!)
    • Roxas' TV (well, it looks like a TV)
    • Namine's hair (but black)
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Kokoro
    I like him because he's sweet. He's kind of dumb in KH2, though. :-/ (well he was kinda dumb in the other 2 games, I guess)
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Kokoro
    I go to Disneyland (California) once or twice a year. My trips usually suck though: my dad gets lost while driving there, my sister is afraid of Goofy and starts crying, after 2 hours my parents get tired and decide to leave (but come back at 8:00 >_>), or I faint while in line for a ride.

    Disneyland is fun besides that ^__^ I like The Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, and the shops.

    One thing I hate about going to DL is driving there >_> I live in San Francisco so it takes 11 hours (my dad makes a bunch of stops) to get to LA/Anaheim. I guess it takes longer for some other people, but I'd think people out of CA would fly there. :confused:
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  10. Kokoro
    KH2 Sora- Sora is all like "I GOTTA KILL THE ORGANIZATION PEOPLES". :/ well I guess you shouldn't care whatever your enemy's goal is when they attack you and/or abduct your girlfriend.

    KH2 Axel- He's too nice in KH2. But I guess I'm sorta mad at him for killing Zexion and Vexen in CoM, too (I don't really care for Vexen, but whatever).
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Kokoro
    I like uniforms.

    I'm not very fashionable, and I don't have enough clothes to wear something different every single day XD I don't like going shopping, either. Something bad happens to me every time (I see a classmate, I faint and they have to call the ambulance, something like that)

    I think there should be a variety of what the clothes look like though (agh I don't know how to explain it >_<). When I was in elementary/public school we had uniform, but there were different types. Like different sweaters, skirts, pants, and shirts. At my newer-ish private school (well not really new, I've been here for a few years lol), theres only one type of everything. One type of sweater (actually 3 types, but thats only if its your last year at the school or your on a sports team), one type of skirt/pants, and if you're dressed wrong they make you wear something from the lost and found. T_T

    I don't think every school should have uniforms, though. That's be boring.
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Kokoro
    I knew something like this would happen XD did they really fire her?
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Kokoro
    Name: Ari
    Age: teens
    Bio: a girl in Twilight Town who works for Diz.

    Can I use a character I made up? Cause I wanted this character, but if there was no Diz that wouldn't work. Lol. Sorry

    I've gotta...go
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Kokoro
    ooc - darn. all the characters I want are taken lol >_>

    Can I be Diz? How many characters can I have? 1? Cause I was gonna make up another one. lol

    Whats happening?
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Kokoro
    Can I join?
    Post by: Kokoro, Sep 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Kokoro
    April 28th:
    Saddam Hussein
    Jessica Alba
    Harper Lee
    James Monroe
    Oscar Schindler
    Jay Leno
    Penelope Cruz
    Nancy Lee Grahn
    Post by: Kokoro, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Kokoro
    ooc - Lol somebody plz answer

    ic - Olette... was sitting somewhere
    Post by: Kokoro, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Kokoro
    I was watching TV when the KH1 commercial came on. I bought it about a year later. I miss 14 year old Sora, he was sort of smarter. Lol

    And I was like ?_? when Disney Channel didn't show any KH commercials, since KH is part Disney (:eek: some people forget that. Lol) Unless they did show some commercials and I missed it, since I hate pretty much hate the Disney Channel besides a few shows
    Post by: Kokoro, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Kokoro
    ooc - WHAT IS HAPPENING >_> lol
    Post by: Kokoro, Aug 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Kokoro
    ooc - wth is happening? Lol. I'll be on less because I've school and I've turned emo-ish. Lol
    Post by: Kokoro, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home