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  1. Kokoro

    Post by: Kokoro, Feb 9, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. Kokoro
    Uhm.. this on'e kinda hard:

    Sora: his voice changed, he got a little taller, his face is lil' different, has more of a temper, and he became a bit stupider.

    Kairi: her hair grew longer, she became taller, and uhm...she grew in other ways

    Riku: his personality changed, he became taller.

    I'd say.. maybe Sora? Or Riku.
    Kairi pretty much stayed the same.
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Kokoro
    Uhm.. I only know the KH couples lol

    I picked Sora/Kairi. I like Sora/Namine and Riku/Sora more, though.
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Kokoro
    In the game: Goofy. Donald didn't help much.
    Cartoons: Mickey :D

    They're all awesome, though :D I just can't understand Donald
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  5. Kokoro
    It was okay, but most 14 year olds I know have deeper voice.
    I didn't like his voice in KH2, it was kind of annoying. The acting was still good even if I didn't like his voice, though..
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Kokoro's confusing.

    Being 15 years old means living for 15 years, right? Roxas is mentally and physically 15. Sora is 15 (Sora = Roxas, right?). Roxas lived for around 14/15 years as Sora.
    Roxas existed as a nobody for 1 year, but is not mentally/physically 1 years old.

    Rawr I'm confusing the heck outta myself. I'll go with 15 years old.
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Kokoro
    Overrated: uhm..maybe High School Musical? (or do you mean Disney cartoons?). High School Musical is okay, I guess. It's all over the magazines and stuff. It isn't that great. And whenever I start a conversation about "Disney" with someone, it usually gets to HSM and Disney Channel.

    Underrated: Pinocchio. It's such a cute movie. Disney ignores it :eek: But they use "When You Wish upon a Star" at Disneyland and stuff..
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  8. Kokoro
    Invisibilty :D So I can spy on people. Lol. And so nobody sees me sitting alone at lunchtime.
    The power to manipulate memories..
    or flying.

    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. Kokoro
    Ewww D: I watched that video before

    I wouldn't be afraid to touch it or pick it up or something, but eat it? No way DX
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Kokoro
    Thank you o_o XP
    ..both of you.. lol :p :D
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kokoro
    I don't mind homosexuality, but yaoi is... yuck :eek:
    Guy-on-guy isn't really attractive or "hott" ot anything (to me)'s kinda of gross when people do that.
    I like RikuxSora because it's an okay pairing, not because I want to see them make out or do *more*. I'm not obsessed with the pairing, though. I like SoraxNamine more
    And then they have the boys dressed up as girls or looking like girls or something :rolleyes:
    I guess already-gay yaoi is okay. It's annoying when people do that to straight pairings.

    Do I like yaoi? No...

    EDIT: Oh and how do you pronounce yaoi? :confused: I want to know..
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Kokoro
    I can't remember most of them right now, but:
    Christina Aguilera: I love her voice! :eek:
    Miley Cyrus: her singing and acting is just okay.. but I like her personality.
    Johnny Depp
    Ralph Macchio: he was in The Outsiders.

    I'll edit this when I remember the other
    Post by: Kokoro, Dec 1, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Kokoro
    -I didn't really like how English Sora sounded in KHII. (I know its the same voice actor, and Haley is a good actor, but I just don't think it matches Sora...I dunno :confused:)

    -Donald (in all languages). But he's always annoying :) (in Kingdom Hearts and out) I love him anyways. :3

    -most of the Final Fantasy characters

    -uh...Japanese Mickey

    -Japanese Kairi

    -And a lot of other characters I can't remember right now

    Who's the most annoying? Probably Donald
    Post by: Kokoro, Nov 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Kokoro
    I play the violin, recorder (a little bit), and the piano.
    I have a guitar but I don't know how to play it or anything..
    Post by: Kokoro, Nov 16, 2007 in forum: Music
  15. Kokoro
    My parents don't really care what I get on, so I don't really need to tell them.
    I'm on only about 5 forums, and I've only showed them the first forum I joined
    Post by: Kokoro, Nov 15, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. Kokoro
    ...I got a heartless. o_o

    Is that because when I answered the "Which yaoi pairing?" question I picked "none of them!"?

    Lol :D jk
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Kokoro
    Lol, cool. (Most) people don't want to die, but we all have to eventually D:
    I guess that's another reason why I'm not afraid to die...
    I'm scared of being put in a coffin, though. I'm claustrophobic.

    It's in-between heaven and hell (pretty much).
    It's not "perfect" like heaven, and it's not like hell either.
    The only thing souls should suffer from in purgatory is being seperated from God. Souls who had turned away from God, though, should be satisfied..
    Souls in purgatory can go to heaven...they have to go through some "purification" or something like that, though.
    That's what my religion book says. Lol :p
    Most of the Christians I know don't believe in purgatory, so I don't know what to think about purgatory

    I don't know much about religion, I'm not very religious.
    And I don't take everything in the Bible literally, either. Lol yeah. If there is no heaven or hell I think you just don't exist anymore.
    It's either that or you're reincarnated, I guess. I learned about that in history class and I was pretty interested.
    It's one of those
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. Kokoro
    What position do you lie in? On my side...

    What kind of bed do you have, single or double?

    How many pillows?

    Do you like to lie-in late?

    Do you snore?

    Do you dream?

    Yes but I don't remember them..
    Do you wear pyjamas?

    Do you sleep with teddy bears (you lame-asz)?

    I use to sleep with a stuffed lamb, but I don't anymore.
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. Kokoro
    GBA CoM or RE:CoM?
    CoM is good for a GBA game. And I haven't played Re:CoM.
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Kokoro
    Uh, Roxas, I guess.... o.o or Sora. or Riku. lol
    Post by: Kokoro, Oct 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone