that could of happened ven's heart going into sora then released with kairi's instead of his own and vanitas's heart going into riku but i highly doubt it
i think the apprentices, axel and saix will be in it
the leaning against the desk is the same as riku on the paupo tree infact all his movements are simmilar to riku's
neverland that is where hook captures tink
well he could be a mirror of ven also for him looking like sora it could be possible since there is a slight brown colour seen through the top of the helmet
when terra says what have you done to his heart i think he is talking about ven. the heart is used to create Vanitas and when he asks to be erased it is to destroy Vanitas
if they aren't in bbs they will be in kh3
theres also the scene in days when roxas falls asleep xemnas says "sleeping again my friend"
the yellow eyes is a sign of darkness entering a heart
i haven't even played the game yet but i know this sora started to remember all his friends not just kairi and that made xion(who is made up of sora's memories)change into different memories. also xion takes the form of the viewers connection to sora
yay now i know which one to get xbox 360 for x-mas and bbs and ff7+psp for my b-day
well sora saw ventus on the island so it could be sora's second most important memory so roxas took that form like xion but i think its highly unlikely i think my heart theory was better
yay finnaly my favorite character will be back and he won't be moaning about not having a heart
maybe kairi transported through the door to light(which goes to the island)but when it was used it moved and not knowing much about gummi bricks at the time xehanort chose to look for the door
if that was true we'd have another xehanort to fight in kh3
demyx is more annoying dance water dance atleast axels is good
no ventus supposedley gets erased or killed by mx
you think this game will have kairi as a child in radient gardens in it
like kh2 the tutorial is longer than it needed to be
i've been waiting 2 years i once saw in in a ngamer magazine