sorry i ment way to darkness it was 4:30 am when i posted it and wasn't paying attention
I couldn't remember mx's and eraqua's and forgot about mickey. Well darkside soul eater and kingdom key have made an appearence
I know of seven but don't know the names vanitas's(a bit like riku's) ven's(one like kingdom key) terra's(the one with the big teeth) aqua's(the crown one) kingdom key darkside Soul Eater i know there is more but i can't remember them all
No offense but that is a terrible idea xion was made after bbs and wasn't an unbirth.
I don't know why but i have a feeling it has something to do with the castle ansems apprentices guarded maybe it had a portal or was part of it
you were right about one thing the planning bbs since kh1. If you look at the stain glass floors it has the princesses in bbs on them but no others.
atlantis pocahontas toy story robin hood
Wait there is a new version?
no that is at the start(i watched an interview on youtube)and I belive that it is a test. thats how aqua and terra got there keychains but because ven failed he never got one.
i know i said the princesses in bbs are the ones on the glass floors
shes in it. you can tell by looking at the kh1 glass floors it has the bbs princesses
its aqua i don't think ven and riku were friends
nice new page style
Chasers are what tav are People who chase the light(the hearts of pure light) which they do.
the hooded person is riku
could it be time? bbs is about the time before the main kh story days is about the time roxas spent in the organization coded is about going back in time to finish a task that was not done
yes if you go on the kh2fm secret ending on youtube the comments are full of stupid things
saying things like "everyone knows its roxas after he leaves the organisation" or "sora is ven's brother"and then you have to post that nomura said they had no family connection over and over again
and none into character design organisation members= same in somebody form terra=zack fair ven=roxas aqua=kairi master xehanort=old man vanitas=masked man yeah so they are alot alike but atleast we get a good story p.s. i just got bored and thought of this