no problemo man no problemo
So....what shall we do
I made an edit now. Hope it works this time
Alright. Just let me know if you ever make up your mind about what we disscussed.
ReallY? A newbie gets killed within his second week? Come on KHV
I always shove a snack into my pocket. Kinda helps that my movie theater is near a supermarket.
Yup. That too.
Yeah. I would take a movie theater chair over that too
Yeah friends are better then youth groups
well that is always good
Nemesis attacks the place where Weasker is
I just hope you enjoy the movie
When the scary moments happen, it is a long scene or so. Not really up for me to decide really.
This is really good. Your comment about it being big I understand. If you want, you can fix it to what size you think is right
There are a few scary moments as well as a few naked jokes
Really. Well I hope you like it cause I did
How did you like it, if you don't mind me asking
ah what movie
I posted on my wall Nothin has happened other then you coming back
Nothin has happened other then you coming back