Ah. So just post as if I did not miss anything?
can you update me a bit from what I missed. I really don't want to read a ton of pages
KH or CC? Which one?
Internet has been gone for two days, finally got it back
actually, I need to get on fully tomorrow as I just became occupied with something. I promise, just give me a run down of what I missed in a VM Sora
Hey guys. I'll be back fully tomorrow, can someone pm me a quick summery of what I missed the past two weeks?
I'm back but I'll be fully back tomorrow
Mew~ feel like filling me in on what happened in KH RPG?
Hey, I'm back now
Sorry. I was taking a few days off of KHV. I'll be back this week, Promise.
It'll just be a few days no worries.
I'm gonna take a few days off of here. You have my premission to use my characters that are interacting with you.
I already did Sora. I can't have another mentor. I made a mentor for Terra so I can't have one for you. sorry
I just sent you a pm at roleplay heaven
Thank you. I shall use it.
Yeah sorry. Forgot to say I am taking a few days off. Those of you who need my characters for interactions may use them. Don't worry I SHALL RETURN
Just being delussional. I would say something here like "holy crap run. He lives he lives he lives." but I have been for this to happen to me as well. After a few nights of listening to Mr.CreepyPasta read the stories about Jeff the Killer, I could have sworn I saw the character everynight. Then I realized my mind, which is always looking for the next scare or story, was just acting up because I found the stories really entertaining. So trust me. Slenderman is not real, nor is Jeff the Killer, nor any other Creepy Pastas you read. That is all they are creepy stories that people tell to scare the pants off everyone. Now that I have made my point I must be off to other places in the world
alright seems far
alright cause I am fine with anything. I
ah interesting