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  1. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I've only seen the part I want to see: the other ending.

    No spoilers, but I think the ending to the second movie does a bit more justice to the characters then the Anime does.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  2. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Or The World Ends With You, if you prefer the European translation.

    I was thinking about picking this up while I was in Japan, but decided to wait for an inevitable English translation. The designs appeal to me and it is an intriguing game to say the least.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  3. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Oh geez. You have go to be kidding me.

    Okay, I respect the fact there is violence in that job and no one should have to experience it. But blaming a video game? When will this whole 'let's blame a video game because we have nothing else to blame it on' syndrome stop?
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  4. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I really don't want them to reveal everything before the game comes out. In fact, I think they put out far to much. Sure, I wanted confirmation Sonic was in, but wouldn't it have been better if we were playing through the game and then Sonic popped up? It would be a giddy surprise.

    Now, eh.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. KingdomHeartsMovie
    This is Sora's story. The new handheld titles are just sidestories. They said Sora will be coming back eventually, they just can't use him in these games ... well, KHII- Sora. Don't worry, this is Sora's story.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I have to say, that is pretty good. Gives of a data-ey feel.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Damn those video games! I mean, you know, America doesn't say anything against carrying guns . . . but it clearly is video games that cause the problems!

    On a serious note, I read that about a week ago. I am saddened that the tragedy happened and condolences go out to the people involved.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  8. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Yes, I agree. That is really good. Good job. I like that you are willing to take on board suggestions, now it is pretty much the best it can be.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I could see BBS getting a FM, but not 358/2. Besides, its not a completely new KH like I and II were. I don't know. I can't see 358/2 being blown up into a console game, whereas I can see BBS doing that.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I haven't heard many of her songs, but from what I have heard, she is a very talented singer. I think I prefer Utada, but I don't doubt Ayumi is also good.

    GAME is probably my favorite of hers.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Music
  11. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Yeah, that's fine. THat is kind of the image I want of Sora, though.

    I appreciate this. I understand it probably will be difficult, so take your time.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  12. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I've commented on the first, but the second does reveal something important. Not only is there a Snow White world in BBS, but Riku is in Coded in a place that looks like Neverland.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Username: KingdomHeartsMovie (although, don't put that in the banner)
    Size: 468x100 (or something similar)
    Render: - Just Sora in that image. Or a very similar image of Sora (I couldn't find an ingame one).

    Font (optional): I'm not particular.

    Text: This will probably be the most difficult part of the banner.
    Down at the bottom in the centre: Kingdom Hearts: Darkness Within the Door
    Overlaying the actual picture of the banner would be the following quotes of Kingdom Hearts (think Another Side, Another Story style):
    "Forget it, there's no way you're taking Kairi's Heart!"
    "I'm not afraid of the darkness!"
    "It looks like things are worse then we thought ... a lot worse."
    "Kingdom Hearts ... is light!"
    "Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?"
    "But I'm not going to betray Sora either!"
    The overlaying quotes should probably look like they are chiseled in, but so I can still read them, yet still read the background.

    Colors (optional): Whatever is best for the banner. I would personally (strongly) like darker colours like red and black. But an idea I had involved white and black (to represent light and darkness) mixed within the banner in such a way that its not two slabs of colour. They are mixed around, sort of. Whatever you think is best.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  14. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Agree with them.

    The border isn't doing it for me and sharpen joker a bit. Otherwise, it is a very good banner which reminds me of the Joker's character.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Cool. I like the scans of the Disney worlds. I thought its been said before the worlds will play a different role then usual, so I will be interested in seeing how they're used.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Very good job. Might take a while to get used to, but I love this new layout and the way it is organized.

    Good job, Deathspank and Staff! Keep up the good work.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 19, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I must be one of the only ones that thinks its the 14th Member. His battle with Riku will be close to the final boss, I doubt that not. How else can you explain the fact the 14th Member hasn't appeared in the timeline since after?
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. KingdomHeartsMovie
    I despise any being from Atlantica with a passion.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. KingdomHeartsMovie
    One of the best teasers ever.

    I can't wait. While I was in Japan I was tempted to buy this, but I knew it would be coming out within a year in English. Can't wait for this.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  20. KingdomHeartsMovie
    Hehs. Yeah, I could see that. Maybe he was drunk when he came up with the idea of KH as well. Let's face it, who combines cutsey Disney and dark Square Enix.
    Post by: KingdomHeartsMovie, Dec 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX