all quagmire quotes from family guy are the best *hey do you have a mirror in your pants coz i can see myself in them *hey ladies i dont want to come between you or do i *glen: hey meg u 18 yet meg:no glen:dam
can u do a marluxia 1 for me with a pink background a bit like this View attachment 182 put alot wider for the background thx
i dont think any1 cud b botherd 2 i stopped after 200 it just gets 2 boring and repeditive
i cant choose 1 best song but heres my list Last Resort-Papa Roach every single Aerosmith song Santeria-Sublime Under the Bridge-RHCP Deify- disturbed Fear of the dark-Iron Maiden
my funniest moment wud hav to b being drunk in my room with my girlfriend we each had had 4-5 beers and we cudnt stop laughing then BAM! mum opens the door beknown to the fact that i had alchol or a girlfriend. i cudnt stop cracking up but i think it was a little more arkward for the other two.
doesnt anyone else notice that theres a chunk missing out of rikus arm apart from that alls good
im 15 and i get drunk every weekend with my friends
2832 decapitated chickens running around in circles
seeing as i spend most of my time asleep or on computer id b ****ed if they attacked wen im sleeping and if i was on the computer id probably throw stuff at them then jump out my window only to realise that i live on the second floor of an apartment and fall to my death
i say u shud b able to switch and become ur party members so u can be donald and goofy or someone else depending on what world ur in
yay another girl hu wears a skirt more fun for little jiminy
fav song by them wud hav to be stirb nicht vor mir its different to there other songs and so is engel so they are my to fav plus feuer frei the start of XXX(movie) wudnt hav been any thing with out that song and the massive mosh pit
id live in destiny islands just because it seems like such a laid back place were i could chillax. plus i get to hang out with riku because i prefer him than sora
what if kiari neva became a heartless
marluxia is my fav organisation mem do u reckon u cud do 1 of him View attachment 164
ok ill guess 2d
i no it just im going to the beach in half an hour
i doubt anyone will join soon so hu cares if the teams are uneven if we want a game we shud start soon
im just a random but ill join