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  1. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    My favorite band member is obviously Andy Biersack.
    So, hes mine cuz hes sexy and awesome and has the sexiest smile *mind-gasim*
    Yea, hes that sexy.

    What about you. Whose ya favorite member?
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Wanna dance with no pants on Hala! Meet me in the back with the Jack and the jukebox
    Lets cut to the chase Kid cuz I know you dont care what my middle name is
    I wanna be naked man your wasted. . . .

    Sorry, it is legitimately stuck in my head :.-.:
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 21, 2012, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Im babysitting my neighbors 8 year old son Jacob because his mom was picking up his 2 brothers Cody and Tyler.
    I was like; "So, are you excited to see your brothers?"
    He was like-in the most let down voice; "Their not coming. . . "

    I feel sooo bad because he was so excited and looking forward to seeing his brothers for a week now. I almost -no joke- started crying a bit because the happy look on his face when he was told that hed be seeing his brothers was ruined by disappointment.

    Something about a radiator or something blowing out in their van. I dont know. I just felt terrible. .
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 20, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    If I ever wanted to change my username-even though I am far from it- I couldnt possibly make up my mind on which username to choose.
    So I shall ask you which one you like better.

    Im being serious.

    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 20, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. NYAN CAT =^_^=

    Tim Burton

    I dont know if its just because Johnny Depp always stars in his movies or the meaning.
    I mean my personal favorites are Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Dark Shadows, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Carolyn. I started loving the movies once the movie ended. They were always good and Edward Scissorhands made me cry a bit. :')

    What about you? Why do you like Tim Burton movies? Why dont you like the movies? What are your favorites?
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 19, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  6. NYAN CAT =^_^=


    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 18, 2012, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Alright, well, for starters, I could explain the "Slenderman" theory. A couple weeks ago, my dads girlfriends oldest son(Robert) had told me about a supernatural being with a black suit, very lean and tall, with tentacles. At first, when he said that this apparition had tentacles, I was like 'Ha, yea right.' Since I was 7, when I moved out here, he is always known for trying to scare the heck out of me, but this time its different.

    I decided to get the scoop on the "Slenderman". I googled and used wikipedia, all said similar things.

    "A supernatural being with a black suit, long arms that can out stretch themselves, and uses tentacles to hypnotize its prey."

    That was enough information for me, and I kind of freaked. Even being scared to death so many times as a young one, I never felt as scared as I do now. Maybe only because it seems so real, the others fake as plastic.

    Thats not whats bothering me.

    Whats bothering me, is that ever since I have been researching this "Slenderman," I have been constantly waking up at 3:30 in the morning. I hear weird things at night. Whenever I see a tall guy in a suit, I nearly flip the hell out, and will literally start shaking-but I think thats just anxiety. I always feel like I am being watched or followed, and I cant help but think in the back of my mind, that someone is in the same room as me intently watching me.

    Maybe its just my overactive imagination, maybe its not.

    Can anyone explain why this is happening?
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 18, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  8. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Is there anyone I can vent to right now. I cant bottle this up anymore! Please. Anyone?
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 17, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    The Hero of Time: Getting into to business that wasnt meant for him.
    ArosFarron: Trying to act like a hard ass by using all CAPS!

    And me of course: Who didnt explain my thoughts thoroughly and that led to this whole mess!

    Look, Hero of Time, ArosFarron, I appreciate it but just leave it alone. Why get involved in something that isnt meant for you? It was all worked out (I hope) and nobody was makIng a big deal. Once a band comes into topic all hell breaks loose? Listen, there is band haters out there who the f cares! What really ticks me off is when you come into a conversation that isnt directed towards you, but you make yourself directed into it.

    Cant you just ignore it and let things be?! Of course, why should I be saying this when Im making this thread now about it. Yea, I just needed to get this out there.

    I know how to handle myself. Just because your older than me, doesnt mean you have to defend and retort things back at people for me. Damn, just leave me alone.

    You sickened me enough for one night.
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 17, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    A nuclear plant exploded sending tons or radiation into the air of a small city. No known humans were recorded alive. The city has been a ghost town and under all the trash and litter were 6 living people hiding away in buildings. They werent hidden for long. Scientists suspected living beings in these buildings and captured them under the clear night sky. The scientist known as Doctor Grauge, locked these 6 people away in a white concrete room. Only one door remained on the back left wall, always locked, and no way of getting out. One window remained at the very top center of the high raised ceiling. No way of climbing out. Doctor Grauge plans to expirement on the 6 people. Somehow these 6 individuals were exposed to radiation, and instead of dying, gained supernatural abilities. Doctor Grauge has drugged you and when you awake you have no known memories of what happened. Just when you start to realize something suspicious about yourself, the Doctor plans to kill you, as he says you are dangerous and unstable, he will take you into a seperate room apart from the others and kill you. Can you escape safetly and save yourself from your unfortunate fate?

    Female 1
    Female 2
    Female 3
    Male 1
    Male 2
    Male 3

    Character Template:
    Picture url or discription:
    Supernatural ability:

    I am flexible on the rules.
    Basic RP rules apply.
    No Power Playing. Your not invinsible.
    Romance -if any- dont be so discriptive.

    If any questions or concerns PM me.
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 15, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. NYAN CAT =^_^=


    How many posts do you need to request a name change?

    Just wondering?
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 15, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Let's share a moment of silence for all those lost children swallowed during a blow-job. . .
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 15, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Pooh-bear has an eating disorder,
    Piglet has anxiety,
    Eeyore has depression,
    Rabbit has o.c.d.,
    Tigger has adhd

    Just thought you should know that :)
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 14, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Anyone want to start it :lolface:
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 13, 2012, 58 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Post you characters here.
    Or, feel free to chat about the RP :)
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 13, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Knock yourself out and post so random stuff xD
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 13, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. NYAN CAT =^_^=


    Jordan- Well, this is really spicy, so I am going to go get some milk.
    Mr. Ducky- Hes going to go clean his pussy.

    Lol, I love this guy <3 xD
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 12, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. NYAN CAT =^_^=

    Just a random thought of the day. What the crud! O.o
    betcha can't guess who this dumb -yet kinda funny- character is. ^_^
    **Skip To The Last 17 Seconds!!**
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, Jul 10, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    Just give me a second to work this out.
    Don't lose faith, this is all we've got.
    I promise to make things better.
    I promise to give you everything.
    Don't lose faith in what we had.
    Look to the future and keep me close.
    I'm not far.
    I'm not near.
    I'm everywhere.
    Here and there.
    I'm not dead.
    I'm very well alive.
    Don't cry.
    We'll be together again.
    I promise. <3​
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, May 26, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. NYAN CAT =^_^=
    I love how my school blocked KH-Vids from their server was like, this site is just to epic for my school
    kinda bored. Don't judge :3
    Thread by: NYAN CAT =^_^=, May 21, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone