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  1. Keyblademasta
  2. Keyblademasta
    Well, to tell u the truth, I wasn't happy with the secret ending in KH2, so It better be good... OR ELSE!:mad:
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Keyblademasta
    Lol, sry. i found this really funny. Not anything mean but, unless u can read Japanese (not saying u can't), its as pointless as if u opened up a Jap Magazine and pointed at a small caption and saying "They're opening a new mall up? Hmm!" when you obviously can't read Jap.

    Lol, but if u can read Japanese, thats pretty cool. I just couldn't tell what the picture was, it was so small, nonetheless read what it said. I give u props on finding this tho' thats kinda cool (especially the scans u showed earlier in the post.
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Keyblademasta
    I guess ill be anyone, and I choose the crazy bum, who crashes the picnic:D

    Make sure I am a scruffy man, wearing a weading gown and has a Sora mask on, lol.

    Optional: He can have a grocery bag over his head, or any other mask.
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Keyblademasta
    lol, alrighty.
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 20, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. Keyblademasta
    Alrighty, that is easy enough. I've already said 12 things in my previous post. Thank you for giving me explicit details to post more of the horribleness (I wonder if that's a word, Lol) of the movie. And please don't pull the "you can't fit a 600 page story into a 2 hour movie", cause I know u can't and I expected that, but what bugs me are the little things that could've, if anything, made it a slight better. And I didn't expect that it was gonna be 100% correct. Thats just not possible. I expected about 70-75% percent correct at the most, but they couldn't even stick atleast 5... yes I said 5% to the actual story. And yes, im gonna give u stuff about the hair and stuff, because detail is what makes character. In the harry potter movies they made the characters look almost exactly like the books, but in this, they could'nt even say that Arya was an elf, let alone get her hair the right color, instead of the exact opposite color.

    13. The lady who owns the werecat, wasn't wearing all that jewelery and gold that they showed in the movie.

    14. The lady didn't even own the werecat, in the movie.

    15. When the book started it said that Saphira grew over time, but in the movie, they stupidly decided to make her fly up into the air and have her turn into her full form immediately. LoL, that was so corny.

    16. In the book Eragon never had a dream of Arya, THE ELF, dancing in the forest, nor did they even show her in the forest.

    17. It was the Ra'zak who kill Brom in the book, but I guess they wanted him to die, while saving the elf... to make it more like star wars, when the saved Leia and Obi-Wan died.

    18. In the book, they never even show Arya awake, until after they reach the varden, but in the movie, they decide to do otherwise... for some starnge reason... can u explain any reason they didn't fix any of these. I didn't think so.

    19. In the book it was Murtagh who shoots the shade in the head, but the movie decided to give Eragon the bow. Hmm.

    20. They finally group up with Murtagh BEFORE they get to the prison, but in the movie, it's afterward.

    21. Brom's tomb wasn't supposed to be a diamond ontop of the rock, it was supposed to be a diamond embedded into the mountain, where the rocks from before where.

    22. Murtagh wasn't supposed to be seen in the lady who owns the werecats shop, but once again, the movie seices to amaze me.

    I don't know, I've given you more than 20. Should I humiliate you a bit more, for liking this crappy movie... well i shouldn't say that. But come on: Eragon!?!? This was a perfectly GREAT story, written by someone at the age of ninteen! I feel very bad for him, for signing over the rights. He actually never watched the full movie, or he might've, don't know, but when they were doing the first screening on the lot he left the movie, halfway threw it and never came back in. I stayed there, but one of my work-mates said he was teary-eyed as he left. Phew!
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 19, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Keyblademasta
    This, I have to say is a very dumb statement, seeing as that the whole movie sucked. I feel real bad for Paolini. This shows he is very immature for signing over his rights to the stories.

    If you've ever gone to film school, been on a movie lot, been behind the scenes with the actors and actresses, and then seen the movie... you can tell how good the movie is.

    I work on the Sony lot, where they filmed some of the scenes. The director was an absolute idiot. The cast were much brighter than he was, but he totally ruined the movie. He broke the first set for the scene. Then he got mud all over the second set. Friggin' guy made us make it a third time. Apparently it was his first directed film, but he produced others. The sets were bad budgeted, compared to other sets Ive worked on, and looked crappy.
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 18, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Keyblademasta
    I like Kingdom Hearts 2 a little better.:cool:
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Keyblademasta
    Woah! Thats kinda wierd... thx for that, woulda never saw her:)
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Keyblademasta
    This was the worst movie that i have ever seen. almost NOTHING had to do with the book. Urgals are supposed to have horns, those Urgals were just humans with dots on they're heads. Arya was supposed to have raven black hair, they gave her blonde, she was supposed to have long ears because she was an elf, but in the movie, they didn't even say she were an elf. When he met Murtagh it was like "Hello, I am Murtagh, son of Morzan. If you wish to go to the Varden, follow me," and he was off. Not once in Eragon OR Eldest did they ever show an actual conversation with the king, nor did they even show him, but in the movie they had atleast 4 scenes with him. The dwarves didn't even look like dwarves (some were taller than Eragon) and they never even explain that they were dwarves. The dwarven city, didn't look great, even the 1 angle that they even actually showed it. There is ABSOLUTELY NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, at all. In the book, they never had Brom die, flying ontop Saphira. In the beginning of the movie, they began with the easy way out, by narration, and then after 2 mins of that they gave that up as well. The Ra'zak were nothing like that in the book... im not EVEN gonna get into them, lol. They added MANY and POINTLESS things to the movie. At the end of the movie, every1 in the ENTIRE theater began Boo-ing. The movie rushes from scene to scene, as if they had a week to film (literally, im not making this up as I go along). Saphira's vision is supposed to be a very Blue-ish tone, but they decided to make it yellow. If you've read the book, you'll know how bad of a movie it was. If you haven't read the books, you will not understand ANYTHING, seeing as how fast the scenes go by, and how bad the character development.

    I spent many days after seeing this movie, (almost ripping out my hair) at how bad it was. I doubt the director hasn't even read the book, and is now reading it, and saying to himself "I've made a huge mistake..."

    Now, as far as an Eldest movie goes... They terribly messed up with Eragon's brother who plays a HUGE part in the second book. With that one messup, they ruined the chance of EVER creating an eldest movie. I feel so terrible... im gonna go play The Burning Crusade now...
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 17, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Keyblademasta
    the movie was... okay. It had it's moments, but overall, it was just a fun movie to see. I recommend to see it, but don't believe that it is so great people will see it a ton a times... great 1 time see. Owen Wilson seens pwn!
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 16, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. Keyblademasta
    Rules of this role-play. No double-posting. Post wut you think should come RIGHT after the previous post. continue the story. Occasional jokes are allowed, but NO stupid or otherwise silly routes shall be taken. That is all, i think...

    I'll Begin:

    Sora, Donald and Goofy run up to the large, white doors and attempt to close it. Goofy and Donald look into the room, and notice heartless appearing.

    Donald and Goofy: "The Heartless!"

    Donald: He shoves his shoulder into the door and yells "Hurry!"

    Sora: Pushes as hard as he possibly could, but in vain and says "I can't"

    All of a sudden a hand clasps the other side of the vast door and pulls inward. It was Riku!

    Riku: "Don't give up! Come on, Sora, together we can do it!

    Sora: With a nod, Sora says "Okay."

    They pushed for a while.

    Donald: When almost nothing happened Donald yelled "It's hopeless!"

    Goofy: Looked inside, once more and gave out a "Ohh?"

    Donald: "Huh?

    On the inside looked like many black hills, and newly eminating from one was a very bright light. All of a sudden the figure of King Mickey jumped up from behind, and he seemed to have a very bright glow about him.

    Donald & Goofy: "Your Majesty!"

    Mickey: He now wielded his own Keyblade, which happened to be known as the Kingdom Key and said "Now Sora, let's close this door for good."

    Donald: Still pushing, yells "Close it, quick!"

    Sora: "But..."

    Mickey: "Don't worry, there will always be a door to the light."

    Goofy: "Sora, you can trust King Mickey."

    Riku: "Now, there coming!"

    Mickey than says his goodbye's to Donald and Goofy.

    Mickey: "Donald, Goofy, thank you."

    The door closes a bit quicker, but before the door closes for good, Riku says his goodbye to Sora.

    Riku: "Take care of her."

    And with that, the door closes in front of Riku and Mickey, now alone in the dark...
    Thread by: Keyblademasta, Jan 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Keyblademasta
    lawl! the invisible guys? are u referring to the april fools joke Blizz posted on their website, about the wisps being the new alliance race? No, that was confirmed the next day as a prank... thank god... no, a couple months ago they said it would be the draenei. Thx for that quote, it made me laugh :D

    Also The Burning Crusade comes out tomorrow... and WoW just reached 8 million players worldwide :D... wow, that is gonna be some laggy stuff...:eek:
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  14. Keyblademasta
    i have this problem too... except I can download it, just can't watch it. I have a regular mac and it uses .mov files usually, so i dunno. can any1 help? do i need windows media player or somethin' to watch it? if so, where do i download media player?

    Edited: I have just downloaded Windows Media Player, and it works just fine... but how do i change it from a .wmv file to a .mov? any1 know a special file format changer, that changes .wmv to .mov files perfectly, and works for MAC OX?
    Post by: Keyblademasta, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance