2910 it's exactly 7:13 here in L.A.
Ya, im gonna go over to my friends house and were gonna be rooting for the Bears. Can't wait!
yep... i love WoW... and i have loved it since it came out. Im a 62 hunter on the realm of Baelgun and my name is Eclypse. So far, the Burning Crusade is... well AMAZING! I LOVE IT!
many people will buy the ps3 when Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII come out... those games will be good, i can tell. Heck, I'm getting 1 for that.
wut are u guys talkin about. macs have so much to offer for people: iTunes, iWeb, iMovie, iDvd, and Garage Band to name just a few. All applications are quite easy to use, unlike some applications that need novel-sized books to explain how to use it, lol... *cough*PC*cough*! Also macs have a much sleeker and more modern design. There are only 2 reasons people can get mad at a mac for and they r that they have very few games and that they don't understand why their applications are so different. They have so little games, because only about 5-10% of the world uses Macs, as apposed to PC's, but Mac users are growing more rapidly than ever before, so gaming companies dont see the need to place they're games as mac accessible, because they don't believe they would rake in as much $$ as they would PC. The other reason is because people have been PC users they're whole life, and when they try Macs for 5 mins they believe it to look wierd, or too differential from what they are used to. What I think about the commercials are the fact that they are funny, and they do tell truthful stuff, but don't get me wrong, they do go over the top many times. Last year, there were only 8 known mac viruses, while PC's had... well i didn't really want to count, lol. Also, ever since I bought a mac, i've never had 1 pop-up, and I don't use pop-up blockers either, so thats another plus side to a mac. Lol, i hate pop-ups. Lol, I liked the comic, made me laugh. Please don't get mad at me for telling the truth, though. If you find what I said to be blasphemy, please present facts, not thoughts.
Mad World - Tears for Fears I love this song!
Also, i forget its name, but the Silver Surfer has a sidekick duck sorta thing, that I find REALLY annoying. They BETTER leave this stupid duck out!
Uhh... im not listening to anything, lol unless you count my brother playing Dynasty Warriors 4.
LoL. Sherlock Holmes at your service!
Cool, thx. Ya I thought i was using too many commas, but thx for tip, anyways. Lol, im suprised somebody actually read it all.
the deep dive riku, is so awesome. Of course hes gonna win
This is a story that I made when I was a bit bored, but now that I've reread it, it seems I have much more talent in writing then I previously thought. Chapter 1 Space… A vast and wondrous place. It is the easiest place to get lost in, and hardest place to get found. It takes up 99.9% of the known Universe, so it would most likely be said, that it holds the greatest amount of lost beings ever, but that would be a false statement. In fact, most species don’t even have the technological capability to survive out there, let alone even reach the limits of space. One of those very few species who had that power, were the Rok’nad’s. Rok’nad’s were known to be one of the first beings to ever live, giving them the capability to think much faster and have amazing adaptability. Over the thousands of years, they’re minds have adapted so well, that a select few of them are able to use their very imagination to affect their surroundings. These select few are now called the Silv’ani, in their language meaning “the elite few”. These Silv’ani were born with their powers, but it usually took them at least a year to master their ability. The other, less fortunate Rok’nad who don’t have the ability at birth, may be able to eventually become a Silv’ani, but to fully master their skill, it would take at least 20 long years of relentless study and practice. The Rok’nad were usually a bluish shade of color, to match their homeland, which was a vast blue planet called Rok’nadria, full of lush forests and grand alien cities. They looked much like the elven races on the planet Elerria, but the Rok’nads had a peculiarly large horn, that protruded out of the top of their heads. If you were to look back into the history of the Rok’nads you’d find that they didn’t always have their horn. About 1,000 years ago the Rok’nad named Hellesque was born with a very small, peculiar horn. It was said that he was the first to actually use his imagination as his power and became the founder of the Silv’ani. After him, all newborn children began growing horns, and even some of the adults, but only few would be qualified for the Silv’ani rank. The horn was the essence of their imagination, even for those who weren’t a part of the Silv’ani. Everyone had a horn, and those who aren’t Silv’ani still have a far greater thought of mind then other beings or species. If you were to damage the horn, it would drain your imagination to the point where your brain feels as if it were a pool of confusing nothingness inside your head, just sitting there. That is why the Rok’nads keep their horn polished and well cared for. Another feature they shared with the elves was everlasting life. Hellesque became the head teacher of all incoming Silv’ani, the head of the Silv’ani council, and if that weren’t enough, leader of Rok’nadria. He was undoubtedly the strongest, both mentally and physically, of all the Silv’ani. The only drawback that he saw in the fact that they had indefinite life was that they’re planet was far too small and in the coming years would become overpopulated. Hellesque dispatched 100 Silv’ani into space to research the livable planets on which they could eventually migrate to. They found many planets, but only one that possessed the necessary amount of oxygen that would sustain the Rok’nad species for ages to come. This planet they called Manason, but they soon found that they weren’t the only species to reside there. The other species were mostly humanoid species, but some were wild, strange animals and beasts of which the Rok’nads had never dreams. Of the humanoid species, there were the humans, elves, orcs, trolls, dwarves, monestrils, and the senterfeckle. There were of course many more humanoid species in this world then that, but the Rok’nad did not know of any other. The humans, a mortal, primitive species, befriended the few Silv’ani, and taught them their language. The Rok’nads, being very fast adapters learned to speak it fluently and found that the true name of this planet was Elerria. The humans also introduced them to the elves, a beautiful, immortal race who in fact were much older and wiser than the Rok’nad, but were much less fertile, resulting in very few of them. They were the only known humanoid species that had immortality. The humans also introduced them to the dwarves, a much angrier race, but on many occasions were much happier then others, most likely due to the overindulgence in alcoholic beverages they had amongst each other. The dwarves were very short, and were accustomed to growing very long beards. The humans taught them that most of the other races were bent on harm and destruction, so it would best to avoid these as best in your ability. The Silv’ani did notice that these other species came and attacked the allying races constantly, and that the humans, as docile as they were, were in a never ending war. The Rok’nad confronted the humans and asked if their species could live on the planet as well. It was a very large planet, in fact it had over 13 known continents. The humans readily said that they may. The Silv’ani went back to their homeland sometime later, and gave Hellesque the information that he had requested them to find. He was very pleased to hear this news and sent 50 vintels (Rok’nadrian space vessel) full of Rok’nad citizens to Elerria and they made a small city outside of the human city, Garabajin, named Sendral. They, like the previous Silv’ani, learned the native language very quickly, and were befriended as well. The humans were the most help, especially in helping to make the city of Sendral. They taught the Rok’nad how to make stone houses. The reclusive elves put a protective spell around the city, that made it impossible for weapons bent on evil to penetrate the walls, and then left without further adieu. A hundred years had passed and the Rok’nad civilization on Elerria had grown enormously. Over time small conflicts began with the humans and the Rok’nad over property rights. It eventually led the Rok’nad to separate from the alliance, but being that their cities were so close together, there could be no peace among the two races. Eventually the first war had started and the Rok’nad won, only by numbers. The fact that some could use their imagination as their own type of magic, did not do much to aid the Rok’nad, being that their were very few. If the elves spell weren’t still in effect, they would have surely lost, for the main battle was fought in Sendral, and the humans were not able to wield weapons inside their gates. But, no doubt, the humans planned a second war on their former comrades. With the aid of both the dwarves and the elves combined, the three races raided Sendral with all their might, making sure that the elves banish the anti-weapon spell. The Rok’nads were severely unprepared, and in desperate measures they fled back to their homeland, by flying back in the vintels. Though many survived unscathed, hundreds of Rok’nadrian civilians had died and thousands were wounded. Only 3 humans and a dwarf had died in that slaughter. The remaining Rok’nad had now made it back to their homeland Rok’nadria and found all well. When they informed Hellesque he went berserk. He instituted new academies and began building an army. He taught them how to use the Silv’ani imagination and how to wield and use weapons. In this time he grew from a loyal and trustworthy king to a secretive and a power-hungry scheming leader. Also around this time, he found a companion for himself. Her name was Celia’cran, a beautiful and educated Silv’ani member. They soon had a baby girl named Arrjem, who would become someone very important in the Rok’nads upcoming plan. Within the first years of her being born she was very powerful mentally. In fact, she had surpassed all the Silv’ani, including her father Hellesque, in having the strongest imagination. It was so strong, in fact, that she herself could not control it sometimes. In secret Hellesque made a strange magical amulet, that he gave to Arrjem. Although Hellesque never truly told her the true power that the amulet possessed, he did tell her that it kept her powers at bay. About a week after she turned the age of nine, she ran away from her home planet Rok’nadria, because of a terrible plot her people were planning, which she wanted no part of. Although her species had vintels that she could have flown in, she decided not to. She used her imagination to guide her. If you were to look upon her, it would look as if a very young girl was trapped, unconscious, inside a very large and very dark wisp, in the shape of a bird, with a long horn on the tip of its forehead. The wisp left a never ending black streak in the sky. She had a four inch horn, that shone brightly with a purple tint. She had her eyes closed, as if she were sleeping. In fact, she was in a very deep sleep. It is a known fact among the Rok’nads that while dreaming your imagination soars double fold, but can easily be swept off to another thought if you are not forever mindful of your goal. She knew not, nor truly cared, where she was heading. Anything to get away from her people. They had devised a new, sinister, and foolproof plan in which Arrjem was the weapon. This was all she knew about the plan, but it was enough for her to understand she wanted no part of it. She had to get away. She, and her imagined guide, drifted aimlessly onward, for another week or so. The Rok’nads did not net to eat or drink, while in this state of being. The very next day, she crash landed onto an alternate planet, but which, she had no clue. Arrjem awoke immediately after the crash took place and she looked around. She saw many strange trees, all hovering high above her. She was both happy about getting away safely, but worried as to what would lie ahead. She eventually noticed that her guide had vanished, along with the dark streak in the sky. A bit scared of the creatures she may find herself facing on this strange planet, she tried to summon her wisp, but nothing happened. She tried once more, thinking with all her mind, but to no avail. In fact, it seemed as if she had no mind any longer… as if it had melted away. It felt very mangled and it was very hard to concentrate on any one thing for a long time. She now felt very useless and very freightened. Suddenly it hit her, and hard. A very large and painful headache splintered through her already shattered mind. Arrjem cradled her head, between her knees, rocking back and forth on the damp ground. From the tip of her horn came a jolt of pain that surged through her body and she let out a scream of pain and panic. She grasped the tip of her horn, but then gasped in a terrified tone. Her horn was only half the size it was originally. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she examined her bloodstained hands. She understood, finally, why she couldn’t imagine anything. When a Rok’nad were to damage their horn, they would likewise tamper with their imaginative mind. She wiped the blood on a nearby patch of grass, and bit her nails, trying desperately to control herself. After ten long and painful minutes, the horn numbed, but the headache was still throbbing in her mind. As Arrjem wiped off her tears and stood up, she almost fell in her strange dizziness. She saw spots in her eyes as blood rushed to her head. She threw her limp arms out, to grasp hold of something, as she struggled to stay on her feet. She wobbled over the ground, slowly, careful not to trip and finally grasped a nearby branch, which directed her to the nearest tree. There, Arrjem waited for a short while, for her eyesight to return. Her vision had completely blacked out due to the immense amount of blood that rushed to her head. Soon enough, though, her eyesight came into focus, and her dizziness was swept away. She looked around her, once again, so that she could get at grips with her surroundings. The trees were surprisingly thin, with many small, green, almost paper like things, hanging from the ever swaying branches. Of course, she knew not of any trees besides those in Rok’nadria, in which the trees themselves were a pale shade of blue and the leaves were very large and very sharp, dark shade of blue. These must have been the leaves of this planet, but what planet was it? After a short thought Arrjem averted her gaze to the scar in which she had left when she crashed into the planet. A cool, icy shiver ran down her spine as she walked towards it and kneeled herself down before it. There was a small crater where the crash had been. Sure enough, though, she saw the other half of her horn shoved deeply into the dirt, a small puddle of crimson blood surrounding it. She picked it up, but found it harder than she had thought, seeing it was stuck in the ground so hard. Arrjem examined it curiously. Her horn would, eventually grow back, but not for a very long time. She understood then, that she must have landed herself headfirst into the ground, hard enough to break the horn. She knew as well as any other Rok’nad that it was almost impossible to break the horns, seeing that they were made out of a material almost as hard as diamond, but a fall with that intensity it would have snapped it as if it were a twig. She noticed, also, that it was exactly 2 inches in length. She knew this because there was always a small band of purple that runs around every inch of the horn, and there was no more and no less than two bands of purple on it. She pocketed the small horn in her pocket that sat itself upon the right side of her dress. She frighteningly averted her gaze once more, when she heard a twig snap somewhere behind her. There was nobody there, or was there. The next emotion that she felt, would be the most frightened emotion she would ever experience, or so she thought. There stood two humans.
Disneyworld in Florida is the biggest, consisting of four theme parks in 1, so Im gonna have to go with Magic Kingdom. This is also the first themepark ive ever been to, and one of my favorites.
In reality the PS3's price is very reasonable. They can't have pushed it down any further, or else Sony's gaming department would go out of business. It costs $842.12 exactly to make a PS3, so Sony is losing money for each PS3, but they make it up in the games. This means u save $242.12 for a PS3, when u buy it. As far as KH3 for the PS3 goes... it only make sense. Square sold its rights to the KH series to Sony, a while back, and PS3 being the best system will in the end make the game better. And it definately won't come out for PS2... they will stop making PS2 games very soon, seeing the growing demand for PS3 games. I doubt the next KH game will come out within the next 3-5 years anyways, so most people wont even know where to find a PS2, to play it, haha. Yes, I said 3-5 years. Why? It took Square Enix 4 yrs after KH to make KH2, and seeing as how much harder it is to live up to the nex-gen graphics, I expect it to take longer. As for it being on the Wii... It is a good idea, with the wiimote and all, but u also have to remember that the PS3 has their own type of "Wiimote" as well. It is called the Sixaxis controller. This also allows u motion sensored gameplay, in some games, and would be just as easy to control the Keyblade with, if not easier. As far as the Xbox goes... lol.
uhh... whatever...
*SPOILER* This is what happened in the comics: The Silver Surfer's planet was destroyed by Galactus the Planet-Eater and is now his messanger/servant. He is bad for a short period of time, until Ben Grimme's (the Thing's) wife/girlfriend opens up the good in his heart. She, being blind and all has a sort of 6th sense psychic ability sorta thing, is the one to show him good. This is what happens in the comics, but Im not sure if that will be the case for the movie, itself, so in that case I put it under spoiler.
I loved the movie and the fight scenes. The only thing that bothered me were the scenes with Jenova's "children". They were like 25 years old, asking for mother, and sounded VERY gay, nonetheless did they look it. Rest of the movie was great. If only they could've followed Dirge of Cerberus with a good storyline, than Id be happy, cause Dirge of Cerberus... was, dont get me wrong, horrible.... The story made no sense, so you were at a loss as to where in the storyline took place, and I foud the fighting very repetitive. But cutscenes were cool tho.
All that ive heard about is White Palace/Place, which has already been stated, before me.
56.8 secs here. I suck.
It would be... interesting, but you have to be realistic, it would be uber hard to play that way and to control him. Also, the Kingdom Hearts rights are owned by Sony, and besides that the PS3 has the Sixaxis controller, that allows you motion sensor gameplay, but only for some games, like Lair.