The sig Hissora made for me isnt working! And I dont know why!! ARGHH!!!! Why do these type of things happen to me? =[
Your sig is absolutely beautiful. Jealous much? Heckkk yess. Darn you Rosey. I want your sig.
Ohhh meeee goodnessss. I posted in the Spam zone. GO ME!!
Welcome readers to Kingdom Hearts 2: Untitled!!! The story: Okay, so this story takes place after KH2. It's in Destiny Islands and tells the story of times at home after all the adventure. Namine and Roxas are of course a part of Kairi and Sora. This story, is kinda... improv, so to speak. Thanks and enjoy! Chapter 1- Help Comes From Unexpected Places. Kairi, slender and harmless, yet strong-willed, had been placed in the same spot for the last hour.. gazing out at the sea. Kairi shifted her position, her knees now tucked against her chest and her chin resting on her kneecaps. "Hey Namine." Kairi called to her inner being. Kairi felt her other slowly begin to emerge. She saw what seemed to be blue pixie dust or stars form the shape of her inner being. In about two seconds, Namine had formed in front of Kairi, blonde hair flowing in the sea breeze. Kairi looked at the almost transparent girl that stood before her. "Yes?" Namine asked politely. "What do you think so far of Destiny Islands?" "Well, it's very peaceful. Why do you ask?" Namine said quietly. Kairi looked past Namine out to the water. "I don't know. I just needed someone to talk to, I guess." Kairi watched as Namine gracefully walked to the Paopu tree she'd been sitting on for the past hour and watched as she leaned against it. "I just love that sunset." Namine randomly spoke. Kairi followed Namine's gaze. "Me too. It always calms me down. For some reason, it just randomly tells me that I need to cherish everyday with everyone I love because I never know when that light in my heart will go out." She said as she emphasized the what she said about the light in her heart, bringing her fist to her heart, as if to grasp it. "You understand, right Namine?" Namine nodded saying "Absolutely." *** Sora had been examining Roxas' movements for quite some time now. It seems that whenever Sora aims for his torso, Roxas gives him whiplash by pushing Sora's head with his hand, which was really starting to kill his neck. Then when he tried to trip him, Roxas would jump up and then land on his foot. Adding to that, Sora successfully had him in a headlock, only once, but then Roxas would punch him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Either way, he lost. Which was really depressing because he was the Keyblade Master. He saved the entire universe from Darkness but can't save himself from a tackle? How embarrassing! Man, how can this kid keep going, Sora thought. To Sora's surprise, Roxas was breathing heavily with his hands on his hips. Sora finally won! Well, atleast that's what he thought. "Hm. You'd think that since you're my Nobody.. that'd you'd have the same strength as me.. but I guess not." Sora said jokingly with a smile. "They don't call me the Keyblade Master for nothing. " Sora continued with confidence. He placed his arms behind his head, leaning back. BAM! Sora was on the ground, the corner of his jaw numb. "What is that... the second time I got slugged this year?!" he said, recalling the time that stupid, stubby soldier hit him when he was the one who cut in line. ~~~ "Remember girl---man-ly." said Mushu, the family guardian of Mulan. Mulan, AKA Ping, nodded in agreement. She tried to immitate a manly walk, Sora, Donald Duck, and Goofy right in front. There appeared to be a line for food and Sora joined. Unfortunately, a short soldier in red armor pushed him out of the way. "Bout time we got some grub." Sora recovered from the push. "Hey, no cutting!" he fired back. Donald, beside him, joined in. "Get out!" The red armored soldier turned around, his arm swinging, punching Sora in the face. "Agh!" Sora cried as he fell to the ground, in shock that he was hit. Donald butted in, tackling the stubby soldier to the ground. "Back off!" the soldier said. The two continued fighthing, rolling on the ground. ~~~ Roxas laughed jokingly. "I bet you deserved it." he said smiling. "Did not!" Sora retorted, rubbing his jaw. Man, for someone who looks so weak, Roxas has gotta pretty mean punch, Sora thought. Sora heard chuckling behind him, only to see Riku trying to hold back his laughing because of how serious he was but Riku couldn't. He let it out even louder than before. Sora glared at him, waiting for him to stop. Riku finally quit, wiping the tears from his eyes, spotting Sora's aggravated stare. "Sorry." he said, even though Roxas was giggling a little himself. "Wow, Sora, you let a little soldier take you down like that? That punch I just gave you, by the way, was for teasing me about Namine earlier this morning. Would you like me to tease you about Kairi too?" Sora was done with the teasing now. Gritting his teeth together in irritation, he jumped up, charging toward Roxas who was directing his attention toward Riku. Sora tackled him, smashing his head in Roxas's gut, pinning him down. "Roxas, take it back!" he yelled, but Roxas kept laughing. "Stop laughing!" Sora ordered in frustration as he pushed down harder on Roxas' wrists as he held him down. "Seriously!" Roxas finally surrendered as he fell silent after clearly hearing Sora's words. "Okay, I take it back. Sorry, man." Sora, overcome with satisfaction after hearing Roxas apologize, quickly but quietly backed off a couple steps. He began to brush off the loose grains of sand that looked to cling on to his clothing, before he peered up to see Roxas cleaning himself up as well. Sora's purpose to do so became more of a priority as he had seen that Riku, who had witnessed the conflict, had his attention focused on two figures walking past the Spring talking amongst themselves. *** Kairi tensed up when she and Namine` approached the guys, since they were quiet. It wasn't like them to be so quiet when Kairi or Namine` showed up. Usually, they were competing for their attention. Kairi relaxed a bit when she saw that Sora was busy attempting to pick every single little grain of sand out of his hair. Kairi just stood observing his every movement. His index finger and thumb picking out one or two grains at a time. Why doesn't he just run his fingers through his hair or shake his head, Kairi thought. If he didn't do it in the next fifteen seconds, she would have to do it herself.. and she really didn't want to do that. One stupid grain at a time, again and again. Ten. Nine. Sora, don't make me do this. Six. FIVE. FOUR. THREE. TWO. Sora! Kairi thought. "Here let me do it!" she demanded as she walked up to Sora, running her fingers through his soft hair back and forth. After a couple seconds of this, the sand was out. *** Sora quietly stood there while Kairi looked at his head, making sure there was no more sand. What is she doing, Sora thought. He watched as she backed away and he felt his face getting hot. He smiled shyly at her, reaching his arm behind his head, rubbing it in a nervous manner. He could see that she was embarrassed just as much as he was because her cheeks flushed in a rosy color. He switched his gaze from Kairi, to the floor, and then to his three friends who stared in concern, Riku with eyebrows down, Namine` in the middle with one eyebrow up and mouth open, and Roxas' head jerked back in surprise. Oh boy, he thought. *** Namine brought herself back to her senses. She knew that Kairi hated getting so much attention. "Okay, um, when Kairi and I were walking over here we were talking about us all spending time together tonight." she said. "We were kinda thinking about... a camp-out?" Riku finally came back from wonderland and said "Yeah.. great idea." "Okay.." Namine continued. "What do you think, Roxas?" From what she could see, Roxas was still staring at Sora and Kairi. Roxas, come on, Namine thought. She waved her hand in front of his face. "Roxas!" She jumped as he jumped. "Huh? Oh.. yeah.. cool." Namine linked her fingers together. "Okay. We'll have it tonight. What do you say we go get our stuff before it gets dark?" Namine felt relief now that Riku and Roxas weren't focusing on Kairi or Sora anymore. Nobody budged. Okay.. I guess I'll lead, she thought as she began walking toward her boat, weaving between Sora and Kairi. "Kairi, Sora, come on!" she demanded. Kairi tracked Namine` with her eyes and then began to follow her to the pier, her arms crossed in embarrassment. ************************************** Okay. End of Chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be up soon!
Hey, all I want is a sig done for me. If someone has the time.. please. Details: 1. Sora and Kairi from KH2 2. The color doesnt really matter 3. The text: Thinking of you wherever you are... 4. Size: Not too big, not too small Thanks!