I made a new web site. Its not quite done but please take a look and comment about it...here. heres the link: -Edited for advertising-
*Bored* X-Men RP. Jean returned from the dead and teamed up with Magneto. The X-Men have to stop them. Rouge:Lanihead7 IceMan:Gatekeeper Kitty:NOD Cyclops: Jean Grey:lanihead7 Collosus: Magnto: Wolverine: Angel; Mystique:NOD NightCrawler: Storm: Deadpool:PGWA Pyro: Juggernaut:PGWA No Ocs Please.
X-Men are saving the world again. Jean Grey is alive from the Pheonix and more powerful than ever. The Characters are: Rouge:Lanihead7 IceMan:GateKeeper Kitty:NOD Cyclops: Jean Grey:lanihead7 Collosus: Magnto: Wolverine:Shadow of Riku Angel; Mystique:NOD NightCrawler:FunckyBoy7 Storm: Deadpool:Pirateguywithapplepie Pyro:Silver_Bullet Any others I forgot No Ocs please
I am bored and im watching Saw 2 so i decided to make an RP about it. So here i go..... Hello everyone, You notice that you are in a house full of people u dont know. Thats because you have done some dirty things in your past. So you have to pay for it. You will have to get out of the house in 3 hours or you will be locked in with the poisonous gas leaking throuh your lungs. In the 3 hours you will find the antidote to the poison. There is only one antidote so only one will be saved. Play fair, use your brain, and have fun playing the game. Oh yes there will be blood! Characters Taken Kairi:lanihead7 Namine:lanihead7 Larxene: Nymph of Destiny Zexion: darkheart418 Sora: tummer73 Axel: Black Pheonix Riku: ShadowofRiku Rules: Keep Vioolence and description of death at pg-13 Keep Romance rated R Do not kill anyone without my and the person your killing permission. Have Fun!
I am bored so i am going to make an rpg about my two favorite movie and game. Same rules as always. No Yoai/Yuri, No cursing, and keep it Pg-13. So these are the : Harry Potter Harry Potter- Ron Weasley-ShadowRiku. Ginny Weasley- Neville Longbottom- Fred Weasley- George Weasley- Draco Malfoy- Minerva McGonagall- Sorting Hat- Voldemort- Hermione Granger- lanihead7 Kingdom Hearts Xemnas- Xigbar- Vexen- Lexeaus- Zexion- Saix- Demyx- Luxord- Marluxia- Larxene-NoD Roxas- Axel Sora- Riku- Kairi-lanihead7 Hayner- Pence- Olette- Namine-NoD You can only have two characters
I was bored so i made this up. Its just like the real American Idol. Judges are Xemnas-Simon-oblivion_riku Kairi-Paula-lanihead7 Leon-Randy KH Contestants Namine: Nymph of Destiny. Yuna:Anglesinflight FF Contestants Org. Contestants Larxene:Nymph of Destiny Twiglight Nigt- Axel Remember to just have fun.
This is the RPG for Twighlight Oblivion. The sign up Sheet is this: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=735106#post735106
Ok heres the story: The heartless and the nobody teamed up and took over the world. Everyone is under the heartless and nobodys control. The keybearer began a revolt over the heartless and nobodies. This is the sign up sheet. The sign up sheet is: Name: Age: Powers: Weapons: Side:(revolt or Herartless and nobodies) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heres mine Name:Mayya Age: 16 Powers: Light Wepon: Ultima Keyblade Side:Revolt The Rpg is llink is this: http://www.kh-vids.net/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=37
Kingdom Hearts go to College! The same rule apply but the Romance is R so your limitations are weighed less. And also there can be Yoai/Yuri but not hardcore. These are the Characters: Sora:tummer73 Kairi:lanihead7 Riku:ShadowofRiku Roxas:SORA! Namine:Nymph of Destiny Yuffie:hidden_light Cloud: Tifa: Yuna:lanihead7 Rikku: Pain: Tidus: Leon: Teachers: Marlxia(science): Axel(Gym teacher): Larxene(History Teacher):Nymph of Destiny Luxord(Study Hall): Saix: Vexion: Xaldin:TRUEKEYBLADEMASTER Xemnas(Principal):TRUEKEYBLADMASTER Demyx: You can only Have 3 Characters Maximum. And You can make original characters too. Original Characters: name: vincent age:19 apperence: 6 foot 4", wears a black hoodie and has black hair with red streaks, has hair in an emo fashion bio:always been the strong but silent type until he opened up to a few friends but they went to different collages so now he feels alone again name: José Luis nickname: José age: 14 on 15 apearence: short and heart problem. has black hair and mexican biography: he's lived with a heart problem, but skiped some grades. he is now in colege
I have a singing group and we been singing for 3 years. We have problems with our group and now they want to break up. What should i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am bored so i am going to make an rpg about my two favorite movie and game. Same rules as always. No Yoai/Yuri, No cursing, and keep it Pg-13. So these are the : Harry Potter Harry Potter-naminesgirl Ron Weasley-shadowofriku Ginny Weasley-Verry Berry Neville Longbottom- Fred Weasley-naminesgirl George Weasley- Draco Malfoy- Minerva McGonagall- Sorting Hat- Voldemort- Hermione Granger- lanihead7 Kingdom Hearts Xemnas- Xigbar- Vexen- Lexeaus- Zexion-darkheart418 Saix- Demyx-hidden_light Luxord- Marluxia-OrganizationXIII Larxene-Nymph of Destiny Roxas-sora is cute Axel:Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress Sora-sora is cute Riku-shadowofriku Kairi-lanihead7 Hayner- Pence- Olette-hidden_light Namine-Nymph of Destiny You can only have two characters.
I was Board and I got this Idea. All the Kingdom Hearts Characters are in Boarding School. These are the characters Sora-Flame Dancer Kairi-lanihead7 Riku- Shadow of Riku Yuffie-lanihead7 Leon-mooninite99 Roxas-Gardian_Soul Pence Ollete- Twilight_Wish Hayner Axel Larxen-Nymph of Destiny Zexion-Nymph of destiny Namine-Twilight_Wish Axel-GuadoSlayer Dymex-dancewaterdance Lexaeus-Guadoslayer Muluxia-mooninite99 Remember to just keep it Pg-13. Have Fun.
Kingdom Hearts are in a hotel! The characters are Sora-AnimeGirl104 Kairi-lanihead7 Riku- Goofy- Donald- Mickey- Yuffie- Leon- Areith- Xemanas Roxas-AnimeGirl104 Larxene-Nymph of Destiny Zexion-Nymph of Destiny Demnyx-hitna3510 Xigbar:tummer73 You can start whenever you want
I need a kiss from s boy Can a boy kiss me Plz!
This is an RPG about what happened after Sora came back to Destiny Island. All you have to do is make yourself as a character and act as the character. It can be anyone. There are a few rules though: 1.If a character is taken, dont take that character. Thats not fair really! 2.Keep it PG-13. There can be kissing and hugging and a little making out thats it. it! if there is anything about rape and stuff the reply will be deleted and the user will be reported! 3. No double posting ! Its annoying. And thats it! You can start whenever you want with watever happened! KH Kairi-lanihead7 Sora- Soxas Riku-Naminesgirl DiZ- King Mickey- Namine- Roxas-Oblivion-Riku Donald- Goofy- Hyner- Pense- Olette- - FF Yuna- Rikku- Paine- Tidus- Sepheroth- Cloud- Aerith- Yuffie- - New Characters name: Mizu age:16 1/2 appearance: Short silver hair, she has one blue eye and one green eye, she wears a black tee shirt and tan shorts that come to her knees and black and silver sneakers personality: she is quiet but friendly, she likes adventure and she is not scared to try something new weapon: a bow and arrow(they are silver) she also has a keyblade called Dark Moon but she rarely uses it and no one knows she has it other: she just moved to Destiny Islands- naminesgirl Edit Make sure you make it like a story
I am holding an Amv super contest. Its like an regular Amv contest but better. The rules are: 1. It can only be about Naruto, Kingdom Hearts,Code Lyoko, and Final Fantasy. If you have any other anime you want to do just pm me and ill decide. Absoultly NO YOAI/HENTAI! If submited the video will be disqualified and user will; be disqualified! 2. You can only submit a maximum of 3 videos on your same response. 3. You can use any genre of music you want. It can have little or no swearing but not alot. Me and my judges want to enjoy the AMV! 4. All videos must be turned in on the due date. No excuses! If you need an extension, pm me and ill try to make a resonable day with you. 5. The link to see the Amv haas to be either the user portal or youtube. Thats the easiest for me. The finalist will be confirmed by July 4. If you have any questions just ask. If you wanna be a judge just pm me. I only need 2. Dont forget to have fun! Heres an example of an AMV that is good enough: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSQKfWhnFGA
The King and Queen of Kingdom Hearts competition is opened. You want to be the Queen of kingdom Hearts Girls. Then you just have to do is say your username, what kingdom hearts game you like, why and your favorite character. Also you have to say whos the cutest in the Kingdom Hearts Seris. Boys, you have to say your username, your favorite kingdom hearts game, why and your favorite character. Thats it! The Finalist will be announced by the end of next week. The King and Queen wins the title of king and queen and gets to be a judge for the next competition i am holding and gets the deciding say of the winner!