I made this Idea for a roleplay but noone really cares about my rps so I made a story. CnC plese -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prolouge Hurt….Guilt……Pain…… that what I thought about when I was awoken from my sleep. All people around me….trying to kill me …..They don’t know who I am. They think I am a worthless girl who cant defend herself…..No….that’s not me…..that’s used to be me…but not anymore. In here I have changed……no one stays the same here….not even the nicest person in the world…… That’s what I heard when she was alive…my protector, my guide, someone who would not even leave me here in this place. She says she never sane. That was hard to believe honestly, sane as Edgar Allen Poe, if you know who he is. If you don’t….say she’s as sane as a rabid dog. I’m never using any names in the story I’m about to tell you. This is a true story, every bit of it. By the end of the story I’m about to tell you, well you’ll know why. And I am going to tell to how it started, where it started, everything, from start to finish. And since this is a true story I’m not going to say “It began in a dark, cold night”. I’m going to tell you where the horror truly began. It began in the shower.
Sora, Kairi , and Riku have been on the Island ten years. Peaceful...very peaceful....until destruction came on the Island. Now all of them are in the fututre of the 50 years from now. Xemnas is reborned...and they meet other people that they never saw before. How will they get back to there own time!!!!! Characters: Sora: Riku: Kairi: lanihead7 Roxas: Namine: lanihead7 Terra: Aqua: Cloud: Tifa:hinata3510 Rules: Nothing over PG-13 No cussing No godmoding Have fun!!!
This rp is based on a book I read. Its very entertainig so I decided to make an rp about the book. So here we go....... [[/BI] In Lifes Name, and for Life sake, I saythat I willuse the Artfor nothing but the servicesof that Life for good to help all human king in all sake......[/I]] All wizards have to say this Oath. The only thing is are you going to keep it. Spells, Charms, wizardry, all in the manuel. But what about the Ordeal, the rights and wrongs of wizardry? Will the gang foolow the rules of Wizardry or will they suffer by the Lone Power? Rules: 1. Romance is allowed but keep it no higher than pg-15 2. If you are going to join, you must at least post onece a day or what not. If you dont abide by this rule, you wil be banded from this thread. 3. Do Not change the setting of the rp. Just follow it. 4. No killing without my authorization and the person you want to kill authorization. 5. Have FUn!!!!!! Characters: Follow this format: Name: Nita Age:14 Apperrance: Nita Nickname: Neets Other: You will start with being in a libary looking aroung when you find the manuel of wizardry. Well start from there.
How do I make effects in my sigs?
All boys and girls like Sakura. Its nice at first but Sakura now is scared abbout everyone liking her!!!! What is she going to do!!!!!! All characters from all anime are allowed!! Characters taken Sakura: lanihead7 Rules: Please keep it pg-14.... This is a must.....
What is a C4D and can i use it on GIMP?
All Naruto characters go to college. WoW!!!. Put trouble is brewing. Itachi is trying to find his brother while Sauske is trying to find him. Will the gang beat them. Lets find out!!! Rules 1. Keep it Pg-13 2. Romance is allowed but keep it to a pg-14 please. 3. fighting is okay. 4. have fun!!! Characters Taken: Sakura: lanihead7 Hinata:lanihead7 Naruto: Gatekeeper. Itachi: TwighlightBlader Ino: NoD Sauske: Gatekeeper Garra: Chendler
I made sigs.... wanted to know how people like them because im a begginer. Heres the links: Sig 1 Sig 2 Vot on which one is good!
Im bored so i made this rp. The tittle says it all. Just keep it pg-13 please. Characters taken: Rouge: lanihead7 Jean Grey: lanihead7
I love, love,love,love this book. Its about a half vampire. So i made an rp about it. So.....heres it is...... There are about 50 billion people in the world. A quater of them are regular people, a quater of them are about dead, and another quater of them are dead. But the last quater...are vampires. Vampires arent what you think they are....blood sucking creatures of the night. They are actually like regulars....well....some of them. We are not afraid of the crosses or "holy water". Of course someone who gets stabbed in the heart with a peice of wood would die. We can not be in the sunlight but we dont die that quickly. But we are being chased...by our vampiric brothers...... Time is ticking.....blood is calling us...... Characters: Follow this format Name: Precious Age: 16 Gender: Female Apperance: PreciousVampire or Human: Bio: learned in rp Rules 1. Try to make it not to much gore 2. There is romance but try to make not above pg-13. Also you can have human-vampire relationships. 3. Have Fun.
Title says it all. Theres no rules. Characters Taken: Kairi: lanihead7 Sora: SORA! Roxas: SORA! Tifa: lanihead7 Riku: oblivion_riku Murluxia: fuzzy sweater Cloud: Twighlightblader.
So bored so i made this thread. Title says it all so. Characters taken Sakura: lanihead7 Hinata: lanihead7 Naruto: Gatekeeper Garra: Chendler. Temari: hitna3510 TenTen: hitna3510
Orphans try to get out of the big orphnage they are in. It contains 9 floors with dangrous traps. The Orphanage Owner, Mr. Xando, is trying to kill them to gain there Fortune. Mr Xando keeps them in the same cell and uses the "Too little....Too late" tactic. Each boy and Each girl have to share a room as part of the "Too little...Too late" Tactic. How will all the orphanes get out. Rules 1. No text words: Ex. lol, omg,exc 2. Use proper grammer. If you dont understand the person, you have all the rights to ask them to edit it. 3. Only have 3 characeters. 4. Rating is Rating PG-13. 5 Romance is PG-13 6 You can use curse but please not harsh. If you use it continusly, you will get bannded. 5. Have Fun! Theme Song Dont Tell Me your Sorry OR Sundown Pick a song for this list to be the theme song! Characters ( Please follow the format) Name: Precious Age: 15 Apperrance: Precious Bio: learned in rp Gender: female Name: Mr. Xando Age: 67 Apperance: Xando Bio: learned in rp Gender: Male
Ever heard of them. Its like American Idol but for kids. American Juniors
This is when Harry is in the 8th year of hogworts (Forget the ending of the last book) Voldermort Returns with an Army of Death Eaters and An Army of Muggles All to destroy Harry, Ron, and Hermione. What are they going to do!!!!!! Characters Taken: Hermione: lanihead7 Ginny: lanihead7 Voldermort: lanihead7 Harry: Gatekeeper. Ron: Shadow of Riku
Love the manga and show to death so i made an rp about it. Its going to be on the original storyline so if you want to change it up thats fine but please No OCs thanks. Characters Taken: Riku: lanihead7 Risa: lanihead7
I did this when I first Joined and i had no ideas and I was bored so i made a retry of it. This is when Sora and Riku came back to Destiny Island. What happened to them?!!!!!!! Rules 1.Nothing over PG-14 2. You can travel to any world. 3. No Ocs 4. Try to mix the characters relations up. Dont only do Kair and Sora. Do like Sora and Namine or Kairi and Riku. Make it fun! Characters Taken Kairi: lanihead7 Namine: lanihead7 Roxas: GateKeeper Mickey: The_King Pete:The_King Riku: SigSig Yuffie: kitten3510 Leon: kitten3510 Sora: hitna3510
1.No Rules All the anime characters in High School. CHaracters Taken: Riku:lanihead7 Sakura: lanihead7 Ino:AngelsNeedFlight Saske: Keyblade49 Train Heartnet:Kiburedo The_King: Naruto Inyuashe: the King Naru: NOD Risa:lanihead7
board to death So we are going to make a boarding school. Ocs only please. Rules: No rules Character: Name: Jamine Age:16 ApperaNCE: Jasmine Bio: learned in story Personality: She is beautiful but shy.
Im bored and im watching repeats of Degrassi so...... KH Degrassi Rules: 1. Stuff that will get you in trouble by mods. Characters Taken; Kairi: lanihead7 Namine:lanihead7 Larxene: NoD Zexion: NoD Only 2 characters and No mods