Anotther Sig I made by The SigMaker in Training! I want to make a shop but I want to be sure if Im good enough So here... CnC please!
Story: Each world holds a Crystal that controls everything in the World. Everything; the resources, the plants, the animals,and ,to a certain extent, the people. If he Crystal was destroyed or taken , the world will be in cayos, and eventually, the world will be destroyed. A couple of Centuries ago,a Dark magician named Kuro planned to steall all the worlds crystals. If he got the worlds crystals, he can have universe domination. This also will give him true power over all the worlds power sources. He almost succeded, until the worlds people all overthrown him, and got each world Cystal back. His last words he said was that he was going to dominate the world, and kill all the people who tried to overthrown him. Today, all is well. Until the Crystal in each worls went out and were taken. People were blaming other people, being suspicous and having wars in all the with each world blaming each other. The universe is now in total Kayos. Now the worlds heros must find the krystals, and retrieve the crystals to the world and bring back peace. Characters: *There are characters from Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Inuyasha, and Death Note. Naruto- Naruto: Sauske: Sakura:SingStar Hinata:Random Angel Neji: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kingdom Hearts- Sora: Riku: anwita Kairi:SingStar Roxas: Namine: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Fantasy- Yuna- Rikku- Random Angel Paine- Cloud- Tifa-Singstar Tidus: Leon: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inuyasha- Inuyaha Kagome: Miroku: Shippo: Kiara: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Note: Light Yagami Misa Near: Random Angel Mello Soichiro Yagami ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OC Form: Name: Age: Weapon: World: Power (If have one/ or jutsu) Bio: Apperance: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. No Godmodding 2. Keep everything PG-13 3. You can only have 3 characters 4. Have Fun!
This RP might be cheezy but I am bored so I made this RP. we go.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few years after the Original Cardcaptors caught all cards, a dark magician named Otis released all of the Clow cards except for the 4 elemenatl clow cards. With these, he is most powerful but more vunerable. Otis goal is to dominate the world using the Clow cards and the four most powerful cards. But the guardian of the cards, Keero, has escaped from his clutches of Otis with the book of cards. Keero must now find new kids who have magical blood in them. Then, they must uphold the power of a Cardcaptor. The Cardcaptors must then find all the cards, and face Otis to save the world. Will the world be saved? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Bio: Name: (first and last) Age: (Between the age of 11 and 13) Gender: Weapon: (it can be a staff or a sword or whatever. Just make it so that it can be something that would be used in Cardcaptors) Signiture Card: (in which what card are you going to catch first. If it is made up, state what the card summons and and does when its caught, ex. The Glider, Summons a Bird, give the user the ability to glide) Apperance: Bio: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: 1. No powerplaying. 2. Cursing can be used, but in astericks. ex. F**k, or s**t 3. Put as much action in it! Make it fun! 4. THere can be romance, but make it PG-13 5. Have Fun! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters: Name: Tsuki Hinoko Age: 12 Gender: Female Weapon: Staff. Apperance of Staff Signiture Card: The Pheonix, Summons a tiger, gives the ability to minipulate and turn a weapon into fire. Apperance: Tsuki Bio: Tuski lost her mother when she ws eleven years old. She always wanted to make her and her father proud but didn't know exactly how. She did an okay job in school, but wasn't really smart, well, not in school smarts. She's excellent at logics. She can solve a soduko puzzle in less than 3 minutes. She loves magic. When she was little, her mother used to take her to the magic store, where she used to buy her magic stuff. She loved it. Now that her mother is gone, she always used to pass it, and always look inside, but never went in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other: Here is the link to the show. Its very entertaining and it is fun to watch. CardCaptors Episode 1 1/3 CardCaptors Episode 1 2/3 CardCaptors Episode 1 3/3
My brother says he can't sing but I disagree. I want to know what you guys think! he's 13 and he can sing! So just listen and tell what you think!
CnC please. I just started and I think its kind of cool but i may be wrong. I used GIMP. See what you thiinK!
Author Note: I made this story with the help of my friends. It is of course split into chapters of course. I'm trying....the keynote is make this story have as much suspense as posible.. It starts out as a normal tennage life in the few chapters but gets more action and more eagier when i keep writing.I know i haven't finished the other ones but this one i will finish....for sure.Also keep in mind of the title. Thats my only hint for the story. I make this out to all my friends on KH-Vids! Especially the ones I knew the longest: Nymph of Destiny, Turalim, DestinyStar, The Last f the Organization, Dmaster and the rest of you guys! I Love You All! *************************************************************************************** Chapter 1: Cade Kizuna was in the bathroom. He was looking at the mirror in the bathrooom. Specifically his chin. "Damn" he said outload. There was no hair on his chin yet. He was looking for hair for three months. 3 damn bloddy months! He sighed and walked out the bathroom. Cade was 14 1/2 but was very tall for his age. He had blonde hair that goed over his eyes. His eyes are blue and had no facial hair, as you can see. He was friendly but very competitive. When he came out of the bathroom, he saw his little sister, Tilum. "Ha Ha Ha" she said annoyingly. "You still looking for hair? I hope your not thinking that if you get any facial hair, that a girl will like you" she said menacingly. "Shut up Til" he said with a grimace. Tilum had the smae color hair and eyes but have a WAY too big of a mouth. She was 12 years old. She could be friendly at times but mostly she was annoying. "Grow up" he said and went his room and closed it. He didn't like to slam it. His room was quite bland. The walls were white and the carpet was grey. All that was in his room was a bed, a desk, and a laptop which HE had too buy. His parents don;t want him to have a T.V in his room because they think he's not 'responsible'. They even disagreed about the laptop. His parents been acting strange lately. They were going out frequently and coming in at all kind of times at night. They were sneaking in things. It wasn't even Christmas yet. 6 more months until Christmas. Why ae they shopping now? Cade would ask this question occasuonally to himself and maybe even Tilum. But she wouldn't understannd. He looked out the window as he normally does. The he saw something that amazed him. BOOM!
Have you heard of this? My mom told me about it and belive me its very scary. President bush sighned a bill without the knowlege of the Congress or The Administration. The bill said that were taking out all borders of Canada, The U.S and and Mexico to make a new Union called the North American Union. Prior to this, they are making new currency called the Amero. The American Constitution will be thrown out if this happens. If you never heard of this, its because the people behind it wants it confidential.. The Foriegn Relations wants it confidential. This happening to all continents, not countries. When its all set and done, all of them will merge together to make one world government. This has been worked on for 60 years. There will be 1 bank, 1 army, and 1 center of power. From this, there starting to make Vchips or MicroChips so they can implant them in people. These are the same chips that are found in your ordinary passport. This is step one in world domination. Of May of 2008, it is said that all people must carry around an ID that has all your infomation on it. This is going to be equiped with the Vchip or the traking mod. Later, there goinmg to start implanting the chips in humans. There stating with newborn babies. If you act up or protest against The Noth American Union, their just turn off your chip and you dont exsist anymore in the world government. All your information is on that chip. Any thoughts? Heres the Video that fully explains it: North American Union
Prolouge: Experiments......that what they call us. "They" as in the scientist that keep us here running test on us everyday. "They" the one's who always abuse us if we do one tiny thing wrong. "They" who captured us at birth so they can do these horrible tests on us. "They" as in the scientist of this place. This place...called the "School" is where we live. The Erasers,half human- half dog, patrols the gate with guns so if we get out....well you can call us dead meat. but theres positive...well only one psitives. We have special...abilities or skill if you say. So buckle up. This is a ride that starts fast and gets faster. OCC Form: Name: Age: (8-16) Apperance: Bio: Personality: Special Ability: Years in the "School" Rules: 1. No yoai/'yuri 2. Only 2 characters 3. If there is Romance, keep is PG-13 4. No God modding 5. Cursing is fin but keep it sensored 6.Have fun Characters: Name: Jasmine Age: 15 Apperance: Jasmine Bio: When she was born, she was atomatically transfered to the school because her parents didnt want her. She now lives there, wishing she can leave. Personality: She is very nice but very quiest Special Ability: Force Feilds Years in the Scool: 15 What Happened So Far:
Note: This seris of rps might be the last for a long time. So I really hope you enjoy it. If You have any ideas for this seris, you can pm me or email me if you want. So here we go! *************************************************************************************** All ninjas have to start somewhere. So they come to the ninja acadmey where they can discover there stengths and where they can prctice there weakness. When there ready, they can go on missions and practice there jutsus until they become a full fleged Ninja! But things can happen to them while on there mission. What will happen to them on there first year? *************************************************************************************** Rules: 1. This is an OC RP. There are no Naruto characters. So please follow the Oc form. 2. You can make up a jutsu if you want, but don't make it invincible or nothing. Variate it so it can have strengths and weakness. 3. Blood and gore have to be keepen at a PG-14 level. You can have it but don't make it so graphic please. 4. I don't have a problem with cursing but because of the rules, please keep it in astericks so you won't get into trouble. 5.If there is romance, keep it PG-13. 6. Be creative! Don't write one lines! 7. 2 charcters Max 8. There are 3 boys and one girl in a mission group. 9. Have Fun! *************************************************************************************** OC Form: Name: Age:(12-13) Gender: Apperance: Signiture Jutsu: Personality: History: *************************************************************************************** Characters: Name: Riki Utasama Age: 13 Gender: Female Apperance: Signiture Jutsu: konki-no-tsuubun jutsu, this jutsu lets you blast your chakra but reduces it to nothing. Very powerful but very deadly for the usre. Also, she uses her Hidden Eye. This lets her see an attack before its comming but sacrifices alot of eye energy and she could lose her eyesight. Personality: She is very kind and very helpful toward her friends but also she is very shy and doesn't really talk alot. History: Her father always wanted the best of her. He would make Riki practice every day and every night. He maybe wants a little too much from her. When her mother dies, her father got a little more abusive and beat her every time she got a jutsu wrong. Now her fathe sent her to the Ninja Academy so she could be"fixed up". - Name:Sylis Age:13 Gender:male Apperance: without the hat Signiture Jutsu:Shadis shagan This jutsu allows you to change into a moon demon Personality:Cool History:as a baby he was cursed by the moon lord because his father disrispected him so he said I will curse your child - Name:Fayte Age:13 Gender:male Apperance: Signiture Jutsu:...ummm thunder ball jutsu Personality: Very kind. Doesn't want to fight if it's neccesary but when he is forced to he will fight to his limits History: Lived a normal life.....not much to say. __________________ *************************************************************************************** Groups: Groups 1: Groups 2: Groups 3: Grpups 4: Groups 5: Group 6:
Listen To this! I made this remix on my computer! its fun and its cool! Its my first time so CnC!
This is my favorite Manga. I love it because its a combination of romance and action. So i decided to make an RP about it. ***************************************************************** Daisuke and Dark are starting to become in love with Risa even more even though Daisuke is going out with Riku. Meanwhile Satoshi is looking for Dark more than ever. He decides to make a trap for him. He called it a "New Mission" Trap. How will this work against Dark. Will Dark and Daisuke fall in love more with Risa or will they grow less arpart? ***************************************************************** Rules: 1.Nothing over PG-13 2. You can have sexual actions because this is a romance anime BUT keep it PG-13 Do not go overboard please. 3.No text Words 4. You can have 1 character and 1 OC. 5.No cursing without censoring it. 6.Have Fun: ***************************************************************** Characters: Riku: lanihead7 Risa:lanihead7 Daisuke: Dark: Krad: Satoshi: ***************************************************************** OC Form: Name: Age: Power: Good or Evil: Apperance: Bio: ***************************************************************** What Happened:
There is a disturbance in the world. Everyone is disapering into the darkness. People are dying, getting sick, and everyone keeps blaming each other. Alll the Ninjas in each village are trying to solve this problem but are not getting anywhere. Naruto, Sakura, and Sauske had an Idea from a scroll they read but they aren't very sure. The Crystal of Life....Its dimming in darkness. How will Naruto stop it from dimming. They need all the power they can get! ***************************************************************** Rules: 1. Keep everythin PG-13 2. No curssing simustaniously. If you want to put it in astericks. eg. f**k 3. No taking over a charcter without the one who is playing it say so. 4. Do not kill without my say so. 5. Please no text words or sleet language. Eg. sp3@k 6. Have Fun!!! ***************************************************************** Notices: 1. The first person whosigns up is second in command of th rp. This means that whenever I am not here, that person is second in command. 2. Only 3 characters please! ***************************************************************** Characters: Naruto: Gatekeeper Sasuke: Gatekeeper Sakura: lanihead7 Neji:Ris TenTen: Luna351 Rock Lee: Gatekeeper Shikamaru: LoO Hinata: lanihead7 Orochimaru: Katashi: Itachi: LoO Kabuto: overload Garra: ***************************************************************** Name: rexejon Rank: chuunin Apperance: black spikey hair, black nijna clothes , sound gaurdian sign on head and red eys Bio: he is born in the secret village of sound but he has moved to the hidden village of leaf Special Jutsu: kinjutsu Personality: sometimes nice sometimes a traitor just random Name: Rixka Rank: Chuunin Apperance: Brown hair with a tint of red, green eyes, 5"2. Bio: Unknown...XD Special Jutsu: Taijutsu Personality: Very nice and caring. Can be a bit soft, but will be serious when need be. Loves to debate, and is easily pissed off. Other: Lee's fiancee. ^^
In 1892, a scientist named Franklin A.Denver made a list of chemicals and stored them under the house he lived in. These chemicals gave specific people diffrent powers and strenghs. When Franklin died, he left the house to the public where everyone can see his work except the chemicals. Now in 2009, people still go to Franklins house, but the chemicals are now unstable an now its actually picking which one it wants to host, the one to harness its powers. Rules: No PowerPlaying No Killing each other The Romance leval is R Have Fun The Oc Form: Name: Jasmine Age: 16 Power: Water Good or Evil: Good Personality: She is very beautiful but very shy Apperance (a picture would be nice:
I might leave KH Vids! Because I really dont have time anymore. I could come on occasionaly but now I have so much work to be done. Kinda stressed out with it but oh well. See you all later.... I hope lol!!!!! Love you all!
Were back in action! All of the KH kids are back in bording school. They meet new students in the school. Will they befriend or be enemies. Second year in boarding school! Characters: Kairi:Lanihead7 Ollete: lanihead7 Rulles: No Rules Just dont get your self into trouble Occ: Name: Jasmie Age: 16 Apperance:
Didnt make an rp in a while so I decided to make one. Its nothing special, just Final fantasy another sequal of X-10!.Somehow, Sin came back from the dead, and its suppose to be an eternal calm! Now Yuna and the rest of the gang have to find the mysterys of Sin. Do they know all about Sin, or are there secrets needed to be found out. Well See!!!!! Rules: No Yoai/Yuri No cussing simitaniously! No Killing each other, or yourself without permission from me. No spamming *Do not join if you are not going to play!!!!!! ** If you do not follow these rules, you will get a warning, then a bann of 3 days! Thank You! Theme Songs: I love theme songs and I have picked three from youtube. If you would like to add some, just pick one and it will be part of the Family. Characters: All the characters from Final fantasy 9 and up are in this rp. Just choose a character: Yuna: lanihead7 Rikku: hinata3510 Tidus: the darkness withen Cloud: Luna561 Auron: twighlight blader Occ: Name: Guardian of: Power/ Skill: Bio: Apperance: And remember to: HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
AMV cONTEST! Alot of Prizes are going to be won! Make an Amv anbout anything you feel or want to make an amv! Rules Are: No Cursing No inappropriate themes Must be made by you! I have ways to checking! Have fun with it! The scoring sysetem is: Originality: /10 Content: /20 Enjoyable: /20 Comments: 1st round had ended 2nd round have begun! All amv must be in by the end of next month! Prizes include: Reps by all judges (4) a SIG MADE BY cHASER007 HIMSELF! to be a judge in the next AMV contest! Judges are excepted. Have Fun!
Aang, Katara, Soka, and Tough are on there way to Fire Lord Ozi to defeat him. Along the way, they meet diffrent people and parts of the world. But time is ticking and the comet is comming. Aang has more feelings for Katara. Will he reveal his true feelings to Katara? Or will he not be loved? Will katara find another love? It all ends here..... Characters taken: Katara: lanihead7 Aang: Hitna3510 Oc form: Name: Age: Element: Nation: Apperance: Bio: Name: Nova Age: 15 Element: Thunder and Water Nation: Water Apperance: Bio: His family died from a deadly disease. Name: Lynn Age: 16 Element: Fire Nation: Fire Apperance: Bio: learn the way (if that is ok) Name: Anna Age: 13 Element: water Nation: water Apperance: Name: Anna Age: 13 Element: water Nation: water Apperance: Bio:her parents where killed by the fire nation and her bro is fighting in the wa
Made this Idead up. Im wondering what would it be like to be in college. Well I made an Rp about It. Is just going to college, through Romance....hate...guilt.....whatever happens here stays here....... Characters: Name: Precious Age: 19 Major: Singing Hobbys: Drawing, Singing Year in College: 2 Dorm Room: 1 Dorms: Dorm 1: Precious, Dorm 2: Dorm 3: Dorm 4:
The biggest Rp i ever made. Everyone going to high school! I know a thread was made but its dead now so...heres a new one. Characters: Kairi: lanihead7 Namine: lanihead7 Yuffie: Larxene: Axel: Demyx: Sora: Riku: Luna561 Roxas:Luna561 Xaldin: Xigbar: Hayner: Pence: Ollete: Tifa: lanihead7 Cloud: Zexion: Luna561 Rulees: Minor curding is allowed. Romance is under rated R No skipping classes ( rule that meant to be broken) Have Fun!!!!! lol