Ok, Today I'm craming for a Calculus Test tomarrow, and if I don't pass this test, I'll fail Calculus. So if anyone, and I do mean anyone, is good with Math and Calculus, I beg you to help me.....please.. Thank You :)
Oh...My....God Excellent Movie by far! Alot of Twists and Turns. I was at the edge of my seat just wondering what will happen. You just need to watch it. like I can't tell you what happened, because if I do, I will blurt out the whole thing. Just wach it dude, Its like wow.
A yo-yo at Dave and Busters yesterday. Its blue. Its cool...hehehehe
A peice of Pizza
I made this sig from a tutorial. I kind of like it. I followed a tutorial so... CnC please...
Theres a dead mouse in my basement floor... *whimpers* I....hate.....mice....with a passion...
Many artist, rappers, and people use the"n" word. I hate it when people use that word. It shows the lack of intellegence and vocabulary a person has. It also refers to Affrican Americans as s"slaves". Also, I do not understand why African Americans use the word in refrence of friendship, but when a Caucasion uses this word in refrence to friendship to and African Americans, African Americans become angry (no offence to any Caucasions). Give me your thoughts on it.
I've been through alot of embarassing moments in my 14 going on 15 years. But my most embarrasing was when I was on top of the empire state building, my glasses fell off and hit someone in the head. It was funny, but I couldn't see that day. So whats yours?
I always wanted to know whats everyone's favoritw song. So post the link to your favorite song! It can be from youtube or whereever. I have 3... Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF84pIhP5UM Exodus 04 by Utada Hiakru http://youtube.com/watch?v=6cQ6J-cKaeE Es Su Galeria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVkfViv774w&feature=related
I've been thinking....my friends say that im kind of...smart and weird for a girl....is that true from what everyone saw in my personality............
Haven't done it for a while but I followed a Tutorial so here it is..... 24 veiws and no replys? COME ON People!!! I need help!
*This is based on the Harry Potter Seris. This RP is going to be a seris. You can use children of he main characters of Harry Potter. You can also use the same spells or make your own! Story: After Voldermort died, Hogwarts continued as a normal wizarding school with normal wizard students. But a century later, people from the Minestry of Magic started to disappear, particularly from the Department of Mystertries. Teachers from the past start to disappear and no one knows why.Alumni students start to die of all of a sudden, and current students start to be taken out of school. Whats going on? ************************************************************************************** Rules: 1. No powerplaying/godmodding 2. Romance is allowed. Please keep it PG-13 3.You can make your own spells, but please don't make it too powerful.Please make a description oof what it does. 4. Please be descriptive. No 1 sentence post. 5. Have Fun!! (or i'll pwn you hehe) *************************************************************************************** Character Template: Name: Age; Gender: Apperance: Parents: Wand Type: House: *************************************************************************************** Characters: Name: Jasmine Granger Age: 14 Gender: Female Apperance:http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh271/snayha-firestar/anime%20girl/snichy.jpg Parents: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasly Wand Type: Phonix Wand House: Gryfindor *************************************************************************************** Info: 1. Here's a complete list of Harry Potter Spells if you need them . http://www.pojo.com/harrypotter/spelist.shtml
Story: Before any NAruto Uzamaki was born, Each Village was at peace with each other. Secret attacks with each village has been going on between all the villages. A treaty has been assigned to each village stating that each village must not plan attacks against ecach other without Hokage's permission. All the villages has been at peace together for about 2 centuries. Now, each other village is at war with each otherbecause they want control over each other.Each village is trying to capture each other to become the most powerful ans controlling village. Who is behind this? Why? We will find out in another episode of Naruto! Rules: 1. Put cursing to a minimum. If you use a curse, please use astericks. 2. No godmodding or powerplaying! I hate it when people powerplay and god mod. 3. Violence keep it below rated R. You can be descriptive, but not too discriptive. 4. Be creative. Make your own jutsu's or stuff. Don't just let this rp just be based on the show. Use your own mind. 5.Romance is fine. Just please keep it under PG-13 6.Have Fun (or i will come pwn you XD) Characters Taken: Hinata:Singstar Sakura: Singstar OCC Chart Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Village: History: Personality:
I've been wondering if anyone has the same classes as me in school or diffrent classes. My class schedule is: Calculus Computer Graphics American History Computer Designig Computer Tech Chemistry English So whats your schedule!
I made a new song from being so bored. Its called Addicted. My friends said it was a nice song....so here you go: Many things I hate Many things I love Sometimes I have emotions for you, I always think about you and only you Dream about you time after time I try to get you out of my mind Always coming back to me Like I'm addicted to you *Addicted like drugs Trying to stop but I can't I hate it when you push away I love it when you come close I don't know why but I'm so addicted to you. Always looking at you I love it when you speak When your next to me All I can do is smile Even when yout angry, Im still loving you Maybe because I'm so addicted to you * You don't notice me Trying to make you notice me It's like your walking away, When I'm calling you Sometimes I wonder if you love me for me * * * I'm so addicted to you.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * means choruses I would really like some inspiration right now to write another one? Would really appreciate it!
Im kind of Surprised No one made a thread about this. People made threads about how there parents did stuff to them but no one have ever based it on the real problem: Divorce and how they affect you. Just to clarify, you don't really have to go, deep into your life, just the basis of it, if you want to. My Problem: My parents. Sometimes, I just feel bad for them. Arguing all the time about stupid stuff, it makes my head hurt.My brother is in the 8th grade, and he got into Laguardia High School for 9th grade for singing, and I got in for 10th grade, for singing, and they diidnt even congragulate me. All they do is argue and argue and really Im getting sick of it.
Kinda bored so im going to just tell yu all about my bestest best friends in school since I am in school writing to you al. LOL. Kinda weird though...Im goiing o put pictures them...maybe I dont hehe...' Yea so here you go...... Hehehehehe hahahahhahah My favorist funny friends in the whole wide world.... My dogs.....lol
Um, I need Kingdom Hearts font, so can someone fiind one for me....
I need someone to make a render of Luxord for me! I'll give rep!
Hey people! I created a shop for siggys. I am not very got with avi's but I can try, but I can do signitures. Here is some samples: 1: My First Siggy 2: Siggy when I was Bored 3: Sig for a Friend 4: Sig for Another Friend 5. Another Friend!!! 6. Another Sig For a friend 7. One I followed from a tut If your intrested just do thhis form: Username: Characters: Renders (if any): Size: Text: Update: If you want a sig like one on the top, name the number... Rep is Appreciated!! If you need anything, and I'm not online, your free to im me, but only about the sig ONLY