No matter what I will see the movie. I'm too much of a hard-core fan of the series to not see it. I have my doubts in the acting choices for Son Goku but with a budget of 100 million and stunts coordinated by the one's who did the Matrix makes me have better hope.
It probably will be a different looking keyblade, but yes there will be an Ultima Weapon.
I also can't wait Game: Birth by Sleep ( I don't have a DS, or really want one)
The older cartoons created a new more tragic origin for Mr. Freeze and created Harley Quinn. I totally agree about the The Batman series is SO lame. It's too kiddy and Joker is so out of character.
Well it is for story but it's much harder in a better way and also MORE fun. (Though I haven't played it I know)
Because they insist that no one else wants it.
They are all frickin' awesome, especially Return of the Joker and Mask of the Phantasm.
Many of the manga creators admit that they were inspired by Dragon Ball, Kishimoto-sama in particular said he was a fan up to the Freeza saga.
In a strange mission Terra was betrayed by Master Xehanort and left to die. Terra survived and grew a strong hatred of his former friend, one that would transcend death itself.
I'm just trying to show a lot of similarities that Manga creator have Master Kame'senin in an old perveted master, Jiraya is a 50 year old writer of Make out Paradise and is also one of the great three.
What if the End Credits show scenes like Ansem finding Xehanort and the apprentices betrayal.
Hmm . . . Sora's memories in the game also.
Many manga's have copied DBZ. examples: Kakashi's Lightening blade is Son Goku's Dragon Fist Avatar Aang's Avatar State is a copy of Super Saiyan Naruto's Tail forms is basically the Super Saiyan and Kaio-Ken Sasuke's curse seal is also like the Super Saiyan and Kaio-Ken Yuske's Rei Gun is a copy of Kamehameha Luffy biting Arlong with his own teeth is Piccolo being hit by his own blast Ren is also a copy of Vegeta Prince Zuko is a copy of Vegeta in terms of pride and honor