I do believe that Sora will likely be the main character but what will happen with him? He saved Riku, destroyed Xehanort's Heartless and Nobody. Kairi and the other Princesses were rescued the only thing I can see in the future is Maleficent's revenge on Sora but she became an Anti-Hero in the last game.
Terra first cause he is so cool with raw power, then Ven try to find out who he is and lastly Aqua only because magic is not really reliable in the last KH game.
Interesting theory, my theory is that Roxas' sheer will was what influenced the Keyblade he had to bare two Keyblades. As "Ansem" said in Kingdom Hearts was that the Keyblade is made by the strength of one's heart; since the Heart is affected by Spirit Roxas spirit even though not bearing a heart was able to create two Keyblades.
Awesome, nice pics.
Probably something like that since he incorporated that into story with FF7 and these new games from him.
Man the web-head just had a bad year for critics. One More Day was an okay story but a slightly hated one from fans due to it breaking up Mary-Jane and Peter's relationship, although I like the idea that Spider-Man is now in a world where he has not unmasked himself and Harry Osborn is alive (GGII is back again). (For those who only follow the movies, Spidey unmasked himself to the public in the Civil War storyline but then rebelled and went with Captain America's Anti-Registration act due to Tony Stark/Iron Man imprisoning rogue heroes in the Negative Zone. The Kingpin ordered an assasination attempt on Peter Parker who dodged the sniper who hit Aunt May instead. Desperate he beat the Kingpin in front of the prison and then begged Tony Stark and Dr. Strange to save Aunt May. When this fails the demon Mephisto offers to save his aunt in exchange for Peter and Mary-Jane to have their marriage and most of their memories of it erased. Mary-Jane and Peter enjoyed their remaining day together and the deed is done with Mephisto adding that Peter never being unmasked.)
This is a good, deep book.
For me Toy Story its a good movie and it had some pretty great moments (Sid). Although I love all the movies this team comes up with, I own all the movies. THe only other person who makes movies like that for me is George Lucas, I love all of his movies even though THX-1138 was pretty weird at times. Pretty sad too. Although to be honest I am a light critic who just says its a good movie if I enjoyed it.
What will Noruma and crew do with the first Keyblade wielder especially after his last game seemed to basically close the characters life at a nice high end with vague descriptions of a new adventure. (like At World's End) Is Sora going to be the main focus for 2010's KHIII? Or will it be the game that folllows Riku for the first time keeping up with Noruma's new following of characters such as Roxas, Terra and the Virtual Sora?
Birth BY Sleep mainly due to its experience being uncanningly similar to the First and Third game.
During which Maleficent has learned of the Princesses of Heart holding the key to finding the door to Kingdom Hearts. Terra must stop rogue keyblade wielder (and former mentor) Master Xehanort as well as the devious Maleficent who is traveling to other worlds.
Its both the Cinderella World for the first one and a Sleeping Beauty World.
Project G is the corresponding Shinra experiment on children along with Sephiroth that was made on Genesis. Project G had Genesis injected with G-Cells while in the Fetal stage of development, however Genesis begins to die due to his powers stability.
Their already working on a new Dragon Ball Z game this time on Xbox 360 and PS3. This game is as Cinematic as Budokai 1 but its supposed to be free roaming like Budokai Tenkaichi.
The Psp is awesome you have to get it.
Nah I like Futurama enough for me to accept it.
What are your favorite's? Mine are Funamation's Vegeta Voice. L's voice in the English Dub. Optimus Prime's voice.
I hope they have voices for 358/2 Days.
Endless Crisis could have Genesis fighting Cloud and Weiss fighting Vincent.
30 years of research trying desperately to cure a virus that acts as a excessive cell producer has lead only to Chemo, it is both believable and unbelievable at the same time.