Thanks. This thread has the largest response I've ever gotten. Thanks.
Not a single percent true.
So would I. Truth be told though Noruma hasn't even started on KHIII yet. But I really do want to see KHIII as well as a release of Re:CoM in an english Dub.
Good point but then a future game should be about that.
I'm betting that SOme of the X-Men (My bets on Magneto) are Skrulls.
Batman and The Amazing Spider-Man. Batman is great right now thanks to Morrison's great writing. Brand New Day is really interesting in my opinion.
I like Mad TV a bit more mainly cause I see it more than SNL.
In the first game that story that was told to Kairi about one world dividing. And the world dividing started from the creation of darkness... Will Terra, Ven and Aqua be trying to stop Master Xehanort from splitting the world into pieces in his attempts to gain the power of Kingdom Hearts?
Very good cliffhanger opening dude.
Wow you can skip worlds?
I think now more than ever that Master Xehanort's avatar went into the body of Terra substituting Terra's heart for his own and was sent to the world that leads to Kingdom Hearts Radiant Garden, but amnesiac he called himself Xehanort. Meanwhile a Nobody created from Terra's hatred of Xehanort for killing Ven exists and still wields his keyblade until his passing of it down to Riku.
Heh who knows maybe.
It's a semi-good place to start it off from. But they should have strted it offf at the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai.
Exactly in 2009 all of Peter's classic villain's are coming back along with MJ probably.
In Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts is in the realm of Darkness. In Kingdom Hearts II, the door to darkness is in the realm of Nothing. In the secret ending of KHIIFM+ the land ressemble Castle Oblivion's world, is this a way to Kingdom Hearts as well?
When did this happen?
Maybe it is, but quick question are the Dis-Soul the things Terra is fighting in BBS?
I believe 2008 will be a defining year for PS3, Wii is gonna have to dazzle gamers with stuff other than Brawl and 360 is going to have a fairish year.
NO the fate of all Nobodies is almost always to fade back into the darkness of nothing with the rare exception of Namine and Roxas who returned to their original selves.
Aliens versus Predator Requiem