ooc ok sounds good *Sojiro sits down and eats his breakfest* Hey mom why do i got to go to this school because you need education, and you will make new friends hmm ok i will go *he heads of to school*
ok Sojiro wakes up and gets ready to go to his new school
hello all hows it goin??
hahah i just seen that commercial XD
umm wen can we start?
hello to all hows it goin
kol thx.....
Name - Sojiro Baken Nickname? - EX Age - 17 Gender - Male Birthday - Jan 19 Personality - calm, nice, loves to have fun, very smart Hometown - juro Family/Friends/Enmies - mother,father, only child History - Family own a shop/dogo Anything else - he is very athletic, Appearance - Played By - Xiegin
ooc ... hmm missed alot XD
ooc: umm can i hav a recap...?
Name - Sojiro Age - 17 Gender - Male Personality - calm, generous and sometimes doesnt want to talk to anyone Weapon - two swords History - got left behind from his family, doesnt know much about his life Race - Human/Unknown Appearance - Other - Likes to meet knew people, very friendly Played By - Xiegin
hmm is it to late to join? and wsup im back :D User name: Xiegin Character name: Sojiro Personality: Calm, Generous (but when he gets mad it gets ugly) Appereance: Age: 15
to me it has bout a month or so but it seemed long
hey all long time no see
hey wsup joker hows it going
hello all hows it goin?
Sojrio desides to take a walk for a bit "hmm i wonder if there is anything interesting happening today"
*Sojiro on his luch break looks at the sky*
Name: Sojiro Alias: Slide Race: Human Age: Eighteen Gender: Male Occupation: Construction worker Biography: He is a very nice persion, Has no parents so lives with himself.. Additional information: He doesnt like death Appearance: Played By: Xiegin Ill get my appearance later ok?
ooo this is a very nice and interesting story :D cant w8 to read more