"Alright I will see what i can do" he said "hmmm why does this young girl need a weapon like this" he says to himself
Sojiro walked from the back of the shop and sees lynn "May i help you?" he asked
Sojiro walks into his sword shop, takes of his glasses and heads to the back of the shop
ooc yea i guess u can say tht ima kinda of a citizen
ooc: well ima just roming around the city ur in i guess XD
ooc: hmm are we like suppose to meet or sometin??
Still walking the streets Sojiro slowly finds out what this city is all about and still looks and watches for mysterious things
when he was walking around he sinced death around and kept on going
Sojiro gave up from what he was looking for and started to rome around this new city
Sojiro walks around in a building all casual like a real person, wearing same clothing as others and sun glasses so noone can see his eyes, hes looking for something
cool im bac and would lik to join Name - Sojiro Age - 17 Gender - Male Power? - Fire (main power that he got when he was a child) sometimes can awaken lightning Weapon(s) - Two Katanas(on Sides) One long sword (on back) Job? - works as a sword maker, also enginering Appearance - Other - is very friendly and loves to play around, only gets serious when nessesary History - Has Two younger brothers. Dad teaches him sword techniques, no one in his family doesnt know where his power came from but it is said in their family tree that one generation will rise up with mystical powers and will help save the world. but of course its just a mith. who knows if hes ganna save the world he mite tern against those he loves. but well see Played By - Xiegin
*Sojiro wakes up and heads to his training spot at the top of the mountain*
Name: Sojiro Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon?: Two swords (Katana's) on both sides, and long sword on back Power(s): Uses Fire. later on optains lightning Species: Human/Unknown History: Not much has happen in his life, he doesnt have much friends he just has a mother and dad. all he does is train all day to get better with his powers he had just discovered. it is said that in his family once ever 3 generations One has been given these powers to save the world. he yet knows what that means and will soon find out Other: he is a nice, and generous persion Appearance: Played by: Xiegin
When sojiro reaches the school he searches to where he can find the office so he can get his classes "Man this school is big, i wonder where the office is"
ooc hmm thats sad
ooc hmm no1 seems to join XD
hmm o? well its time for me to hit the bed, cya all later then
ive been great i can say hmm seems lik sometin happen here
ooc ha lolz ok XD *Sojiro puts his glasses on and heads to the front of the school, he sees the girl running and moves on* "hmm now where can I go to get my classes"
ooc ok np...