Played By: Xiegin Name: Sojiro Age: 20 Gender: Male Job: Warrior History: He wonders the world all alone, he always hides his tamer abilities because he doesnt like being a tamer Appearence: Appearence when combied with spirit: Spirit: Fox Spirit's Name: Jing Spirit's appearence: Spirit's powers: Fire
Ah its been long since ive talked in this fam. so hows every1 doing?
hello to all
hello all hows it goin?
O kika u play maple story heh i use to play that its a fun game but i think flyff is better :D
lolz talk with kangaroos lolz XD
lolz wer did u get the name from??
heh wat does it mean??
say wat....???
im pretty good listioin to music now n exercisin ma rist
O thats pretty good to hear
hey burn hows it goin?
hello to all hows it goin
haha lolz well i guess thats the only good thing XD
heh ye could of been a little darker or sometin lik that
haha lolz ye it is pretty brite here now XD
hello to all agian if any1 is here
im doin pretty good got ma cast off today :D
hello all long time no see