Why would they announce this masterpiece so early? Just to annoy us?
I used to work night shift and I'd go home and pull the whole blanket over my head and try and sleep but I never could so I took sleeping pills. But all they did was keep me asleep till about midnight and I was completely late for work. In the words of my boss at the time: "If you turn up to my work late again, you'll be out for the day... ...looking for a new job."
Just imagine Sora juggling these different things. Which would be the easiest? That is what you are voting for.
No, I have never on-line dated. I have always thought it's a silly thing to do; an escape route from real life, and I've never wanted to do it. It's not that I'm trying to offend anyone, like I said before, but it just seems so silly and ridiculous. Although discussing it on an on-line forum probably isn't the best place. Although I did have a friend who on-line dated and he began to cut himself after his "girlfriend" broke up with him and even though I feel bad for him at the time I thought it was his fault for putting trust in someone he didn't even know, someone that was just a part of his imagination. Now a lot of time has passed since then and he's forgotten about it but I haven't.
I've been listening to this band for the last four years of my life. They've released a total of 5 CD's and are simply amazing live. They're main influences are blink 182 (which makes me happy), Sum 41 (which is okay) and Good Charlotte (if they really are an influence, I never hear it in their music.) Here's a few songs off YouTube that you can have fun listening to, then discuss: Red Hot: http://youtube.com/watch?v=GasLg5rs26Y Salamander: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Znr-N1Tf34I Fire Cracker: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tXVordjl7i0 Space Sonic: http://youtube.com/watch?v=UHoX_UuIQPQ
If juggled in Sora's hands, which set of Keyblades would work the best?
Haha, this thread has come a long way since I last logged on. What was I thinking? Goofy? He's just sort of randomly stuck in there. But I guess it makes sense because Goofy would so win. Although Tinkerbell would have a chance in there.
Even though everyone liked V2, I preferred V1 for its simplicity and its color. The first one is drained of color and looks a bit blown away, but the second one has a vibrancy to it the other one surely lacks.
I am excited because I'm not going to school this year, I'm just working in a lab for a year doing random yet interesting experiments so it looks good and my resume and grad school entry.
Thank you Darkwatch. I agree with you that it is all very stupid. What are the chances of you meeting the person in real life? Now... 2 years, that's a bit different. And I hear you're both adults. But for just some 15 year kid to do it, well that's not right. That person needs to get out and date in reality. On-line dating seems like a pathetic way to jump out of real life because you're too scared to get a real date. And I don't know how you could think of two people as "perfect" over the internet when you don't really know them both, nor do they know each other. You think you know someone, but you don't really know them, and don't try and argue with me on that point.
Don't give up on life or anything, man. If it's that tough just move to a different country when you're older. I'm trying to take this with a grain of salt. Even thought it's really scary, especially the 9/11 part, you've just got to forget about it and move on. I'll never really forget anything in this film but it's a lot to take in and it's hard to believe it all. It's definitely pushed at some parts.
I was going to go but the Palace or Cobo or whatever but it is 6 or 7 hours from where I am. I don't want to drive my car over there, see Slash, then drive back and spend loads of money on gas which I'm short on from school text books anyway lol. Dammit, I wish I was in Ann Arbor. Red Hot - Ellegarden
I'm listening to the Great Escape and... urgh. The band members look like a load of teeny boppers that went through a black paint machine. The chorus, which seems as if it's supposed to be huge, epic and catchy simply comes off as extremely lame and "okay." The vocals completely overshadow all the music, and the lyrics aren't creative anyway. This is just a boring band that thinks they're the next blink 182, when they fail as much as The Jonas Brothers.
Misty, I see you're getting into your Ellegarden :). If you want I can link you to every album for download, since it's JPunk you can't get it in the states. I think their latest album is available at Best Buy but that's it. No Apologies - Sum 41 (Has heard this song on every blink album. Ever.)
Did anyone get the new Smashing Pumpkins CD Zeitgeist? XD But yeah, I watched a bit of part 3 and it was extremely disconcerting and I didn't really want to see it. America has always been stupid like that. This movie is truly an epic and a masterpiece.
I voted Goofy. Because... er... [/done]
Yes, but if you had actually read my post then your question would have been answered.
If all these characters stood in a circle, then ran at each other slapping their hands wildly, who would come out alive?
Which do you think would win if they all ran at each other slapping their hands? I'm gonna have to go with Belle. EDIT: Oh crap there was supposed to be a poll but I just crapped all over this thread, so I'm making a new one. Staff member lock this when they see it.
Here's a better link: www.zeitgeistmovie.com It's the whole movie on one site. And I watched this a couple months back and it did change a lot of what I thought. I didn't really watch the Part 3 about Government Spending but I watched Parts 1 and 2, which were extremely interesting, enjoyable, and sullenly shattering.