You guys can change the User Group requirements in the CP, go to the User Group Manager, then to your ID for Premium users. Then simply change the requirements to 1000 posts, and 50-70 karma, as well as a 90 day membership and it will automatically change them to Premium once they have achieved that.
I have yet to read this, but the idea to include forum members in a fan-fiction about the forum itself is amazing so props to you for that. I'm definitely going to read it sometime today.
No, I'm saying as in the first post is like a pity plea to get more rep, when it's not.
Lol lots of people sleep together when they first meet, especially when they meet at clubs XD. Cough.
You've basically got to get Final before Xigbar. After the Xigbar battle, you can regenerate your drive in the room where you fought him (if not, you can simply run back to a save point that's only one map away). Then fight all the little Nobodies outside the door and repeat. It takes ten minutes top to fully level.
Yeah like asking for pity to get repped. If anyone reps me for that post I'll ask a mod to remove the reputation.
Alright, I don't see why we can't talk about it. Obviously we can't ask for it but I thought I'd bring it up because it's so ridiculous.
Yeah, I think that with some things I said earlier I came off as a bit rash when I was really speaking my thoughts. This thread has opened my eyes up to the possibility of what on-line dating can do. And while I have a girlfriend and wouldn't do it, I've come to accept it more.
I was derepped for this: And the comment simply said "harsh." How is this post harsh?
Yeah, I was really surprised too. But I guess since despite being JPunk they sing in English people here can relate to it. They have some Japanese songs, though.
That's actually a good reason to on-line date. Imagine how fantastic it would be to see someone you had been going out with after they had been gone for a few months or something. I see that a lot with stupid couples today, the ones in school that walk around kissing and having sex or whatever when they don't really care about each other. They always say "I love you" like it's saying bye or hi. I feel it's the same on-line, with most relationships at least.
First off, I'm a guy. Second, I didn't even read your post. I don't take the time to read posts written out of anger and hate, especially with **** and **** and ***** or whatever swear words you use littered throughout it. I didn't come in here looking for an argument, so stop trying to bring one on and try and make yourself look more intelligent. Third, I went back and read your post, and you clearly had an awful experience brought on by, guess what, on-line dating? It must have been tough when she passed away but imagine how that would feel if you spoke with her and held her every day...
You can actually buy Eleven Fire Crackers at Best Buy, but not the rest of their CD's.
Welcome to kh-vids, the home of kh-vids. Never post, rarely dish out reputation, frequent the RP section, make no friends and pretty much suck and no one will like you. But don't do those things so we will like you and be pleased by your behavior.
See, you're admitting that you use on-line dating as an escape from the troubles of real dating. Whether it's because you can't get a date or you're too afraid, or both, I don't really care, but what you just said proves my earlier point. And I never said that everyone who on-line dates is going to fail. I guess Arc and Sara are an example if they're still together after 2 years,.
Space Sonic and Fire Cracker are both from their new CD, as well as Salamander. Their newest CD, which is their 5th entitled "Eleven Fire Crackers" is my favorite album. It came out just this summer. Marry Me: I think it's a cover but I'm not sure XD. Alright, it definitely is, don't watch it.
Lol yeah, they wouldn't lose the fanbase over that. I think they're just annoying the fanbase.
But you don't know them like you would know a person you'd go out with in real life. For all you know, this person is 20 years older than you! They might already have your address and phone number and be coming to kill you this second. You don't really know if they're the next V. Tech killer or the next Columbine kid, because you don't actually, physically know them like a friend you've had since Kindergarten. Also, on-line, you can say "I love you I love you I love you" but they're just words coming from an empty box sitting in front of you.
I don't know any of the technical stuff Spitfire was talking about but I love it. I love the color and the render and the background looks really nice.
Bou. I want to live his life.