Does he play football or any other sports?*Pulls out a note pad*
You better pray DW isn't on......I'm really serious. I'll own the fire out of you, lmao.:D
Here's a few words of advice for that guy: He'd better hope I don't live in his town or state. I'll kill this kid. How old is he?
I'll get mine in two more years........I'm not gangsta enuff.....:(
*You eat it before I can reach you* You little ******ed monkey! You ate it! Naw, it's cool, you earned it. *Throws down another hamburger* Round 2!
*Takes away your money* Sorry, it's the way of the gangsta. *You beat me up and take back my money* Crap.It seems you know the way of the gangsta to.:p
Three gangsta words: Your so lucky!
She's tryin' to steal the hamburger! My hamburger! *Jumps here and starts to punch her in the face* Don't-Ever-Get-My-Hamburger-In-The-Ghetto! Edit: Ooops, I'm beating up KairiSoraKeyofLight.
Uhhhh..You have quite a point. Let's eat three of them then.*Eats three* Allright, now, we fight to the death when more people arrive.....I guess. *Sits and waits* So.....How's life?
It looks good, but it seems its just too plain. Maybe add one more color or make it not so white......8/10
I have....................Oh, I just remembered! I have fifty dollars! Yeahhhhh! What? Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Hahaha, I don't know how to hack. Just guess at passes.....*Thinks of Sunderlands pass* Uhhh........xD Death isn't the worst thing what about.......You can never register for a gangsta pass!!!
I liked it. Song was good, clips were good, everything was good.
Have you ever been hacked?:p
Guys, one little hint if your trying to make something like Dramatic Hearts, take the 'hearts' out of it.
Yeah! Go Crono.xD XxAxelEightxX, your never over the limit when your a gangsta. Lol.
Yeah! Party time! Now, we need four cheeseburgers to throw 'em in the middle of our ghetto and see who can get one...........By fighting to the death.
Welcome to the Forums, don't spam like me, set a good example for me, and post lots.
Why don't you like being called GG? It's cool. I like saying," GG for coca puffs and junk." Hahaha, I crack myself up.xD Happy B-day.....General Grievous.
It has been confirmed that the NYC Yankee pitcher, is dead. He was the pilot of the plain. Three other people are dead but who they are isn't known yet. Reporters believed, at first, this was another terrorist attack, but he really just had plain trouble. It's really bad to.