He dissed a Forum Gangsta.......How dare he!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kairi.........I'm guanna be.....Completely honest with you..........That AMV owned me! It was awesome!
Now Sora's on Destiny Islands.....Poor guy, he's depressed now.
I saw that already, like two weeks ago. It's so funny though.
Two words: Gangsta material. You rox, enjoy the Forums.
I can't advertise here. It's called Deep Dive Destiny. If you want the link just let me know.
Allright, Master Grievous. Oh, I found a cool sig of Grievous. If you want it just PM me.(Found it, but it's legal to use it without permission)
He closed it due to NRA. All I said was I was guanna go crazy white boy all over him!xD And, yes, I gots a Forum. It's gangsta heaven.
I wanna flame so bad......-_-I'm......I'm going to rap! Cronoking so cool he's just cool, Sunderland just likes to get burnt, word! Sunderland can't rap can't rap, word. Remix! Sunderland can't rap, he likes to get burnt! Like a london-sized bagel.Word! Word! Straight up Gangta! Crono and me havin' our fun, walking down the Forums and bein' Gang-Gangst-Gangsta! Me and my Gangstas rulin' these Forums! LMAO!LMAO! We rox. Sunderland can't rap, can't rap, RemiX! Word!
I wonder how he crashed???(Gangsta word)
I'm so bored and depressed visiting my Forums is fun. I just got owned, I flamed myself.
I wanna burn so badly, but the DW meista told me not to here.-_-
You just got owned for not having IM. There's your burnage.
I just have IM for right now. Do you have it?
Anythings possible when you set your mind to it...........Except for that.
It's sad. Never too much of a fan of baseball;I was a few years ago, but I wonder what the team'll do now without their pitcher.
Fine, do you have IM? I'll burn you on there.:D You rox, so I can spare you.
You have to pass the test if you wanna become non-gangsta and still hang with us....Make me ten sigs, each with Roxas on 'em. You have ten seconds, go!
Then I can own him. I'll kick his sorry self and then pee in his face-case closed.
My real name is...........***** Yeah, that's all. Simple as dat.