Hahaha, ah NRA, you crack me up, dude. xD I'm not sure but....What are you guys talking about? What wasn't a success? A surgery or something?
Yeah, I think I know you.....Were you that guy who kept on running around saying he was Jesus or something?
There is NOBODIES graphics that even came close to the person that makes the best. He taught me more about graphics and he didn't even mean to. SplitOverload, the master of graphics and the one who has the best of the best. I back him 100%. Keep on keepin' on Split.
Def Jam!!!Yay! Aiight, I hope I get a PS3. This wasn't the best game in the world, but it was something that took my interest.
I'm using the Saix one. It matches my blue siggy anyways.Q_Q
Allright, I call the Roxas one. Please PM it to me when your done, Kairi.:p
Can I have one??? Do you have one of Roxas?
Welcome to the Forums, enjoy yourself.
It's your B-day why didn't you tell me!? I'll make you something pal. Happy birthday.;)
See ya Vivi meista. We'll be waiting for your return, I hope you get better pal.
I liked it. Not bad at all.
You talkin' to me, punk? xD Nice pics Claryssa.
Crap! Somebody's guanna get nine degree burns with the one you posted. I hope it wasn't aimed towards be cuz whoever got it got BURNT!xD Yo momma so fat she fat.......I gotta go beddy by now. See ya.
Hey!!!! Stop posting baby pictures! We wanna see the 'now' version.xD P.S. Nice pics.
We should think of one....Meanwhile.....Yo momma jokes! They're not flaming, just some good fun. Yo momma so fat olympic runners run around her training for the olympics....Oh! Sunderland got burnt!
It's too bright. But I like it:8/10
Hahaha, I did copy Xehsin.:p xD Spammers are the key to fun. Spammers are the key to the Forums. Yeah, we'll get banned and hated, but our legacy will never go out!:D
Dude, quit spamming, dang! This isn't the spamzone!:p :D Just kidding, I'll PM DD to lock this. Thanks for talkin' to me cloudo meista. Your graphics rox!
Yeah, this was a joke gangsta style.
You gain wisdom by your years. The older you grow the more you come to understand. Knowledge does come from books and different artifacts that we study, but as you grow you start to know what to do and what not to do. Having common sense is wisdom. Basically, with or without books you are wise.