Welcome new and awesome member. You rox my sox and post lots, pal. Also, trust no one.0_0Just kidding, see ya around.
I would have to say Kairi, she's gangsta- nuff said.
Hiya pal, welcome to the forums and enjoy!
Ewwww...! I'm tellin' on you. Naw, just kidding.xD Thanks for the complement, King Mickey, you rox my sox man.
Aiight, I was just saying I don't like the pic small.xD I like the final copy lots, nice work DW.
That's semi-advertisement. I'm no mod, but I'm giving you advice: Remove it before the mods do.
Wow.....That was really fast! Thanks Darkwatch.
Wow....That's one big stock. Expect it in two minutes dude. Edit: I finished it and it's terrible, but what did you expect from the ghetto, right? The stock was a little to big for my graphics program and the pic got messed up somehow, but here it is:
I would, but I have no recent picture avaliable yet. When I get one I'll just go ahead and post it for you, pal.
I'm not posting it til' Halloween.xD Thanks for the complement, Mish.:D
This is the 'ghetto graphics' shop. We do sigs and avvys- that's it! It's a very simple process, just give me the stock and expect it in five minutes or more.
Well, in truth, there is no 'un-wise person', they choose that path. They are not born with wisdom, nor are they born unwise. Wisdom is gained from years, not doing like Budha, becoming a Hermit, and leaving your family behind.
Allright, DW, hook me up! Size:30x420(Normal size please) Color Scheme: I'd like it dark please. Perhaps black in the background. Just try to make it look as best you can I guess.:D Stock: http://www.lacoctelera.com/myfiles/cloudstrife/MGS.jpg Border: Yes Color of Border: Dark Blue Size of border: 1 pixel Text: Forum Gangsta Username: Yes Anything else: Make it look as good as possible please.:D Thanks DW.
Kairi said they're all free, so anybody can have one.xD P.S. Nice avvy, KM.
I got owned somehow in this....Crap, I didn't think my name was that easy. :D
Crap....Your a lucky person to have guessed it.......Great, now I literally have to....But it'll only be up for a total of five minutes then I'll edit my post so be ready for it.
Hmmmm.....Fine, you guys will finally get to see a pic of me in December or Halloween. Get ready....*Sighs*Krazykong, how did you guess it so quickly out of EVERY name in the world?
Whoa.........DA is laying down the law in AMV world.
No. You already got it right.....The post before this one.....