*starts kissing KairiSorakeyoflight* Zexion of Twilight: You can stop now Tallian......*Two minutes later* Okay, stop! Crap.....You guys can stop now!
I Do And Now Lets Get Hitched!
Aiight, you can have them free since your my wife. *Hands them to you*xD You can have one free to, XxAxelEightxX since it's your first visit. *Hands you a reese*
Yeah, your my hott wife, of course you do! We gangsta there to. Let's get married right now.
Dude get outta my grillz......Geez.........And don't make fun of my cough, it's a disability suffered by gangstas around the world.:D
See! your being a pervert! *Cough* Perv alert!Lol. J/K, let's stop this before someone gets killed......*Cough* Gangsta style.
Don't make me get out my belt, pull you over my leg, and beat you til' submission.
Dude, don't make me and KairSorakeyoflight go gangsta on you! We get married first.:D
Hahah! You got it all right. Dang my wife is so hott and rocks!
I accept! I wanna be your husband! Somebody marry us! We're the best couple EVER!
I love it! But can you change the text to: Kingdom Fraction II please? If you can't, it still rox my sox a whole lot.
Aiight, thanks DW.xD P.S. Does the second link work for you, DW?
Allright guys, I need a new banner for my site. If anyone can do it for me and knows how to combine images into one banner, just post it here and I need it ASAP! Stocks: http://www.yoropa.lunarpages.com/saka/sketch/kh-sora.JPG , http://c-uncut.com/media/kh-kairi-big.jpg , http://www.issendai.com/bishonen/riku/art/ruaki_riku-trailer.jpg Size: 730x 259 Description: I want the stocks in the order as they go. Try to make them blend together as much as you can please. And highten the graphic look and clarity as much as you can as well. This is a major project I need someone to do for me please. Border: I want the border to be green please. Text: The words 'Kingdom Fraction II' in the middle please, but make sure the images are still pretty clear. If you need anymore information, just let me know. Please, if you do this, do it the best you can, I need it to be the best of the best! Also, post here if you can do it, but don't post the banner in here, just PM it to me please.
Well, with a noob director it might've been terrible and people would've hated Halo. The budget was over 200 million and with a director without much experience at all, it wasn't too wise. I don't think they have even began production, so it wouldn't have made 2007 anyways.
Yes, it's true, the two studious that were currently at work with the film decided to stop film production and cancel the movie. Due to a noob director who was going to be entrusted with a 200 million-dollar budget, the film has been plugged. Article: http://www.cinematical.com/2006/10/20/fox-and-universal-pull-plug-on-halo-movie/ Sorry guys.....
He's twenty-two I think.(Add a word or two)
They got pretty popular after Kairi made all of the I-org ones. Check 'em out, I'm sure you'll like one of them.xD I missed you dude, glad your back pal.
This sounds pretty accurate but..I don't know.*Whispers to myself: "Just smile and wave...." *
I'm guanna go as me! Gangsta/ghetto oriented male guy with a cool laptop and PC.Lol.
Sure. My AIM is JCGoop. Edit: Sunderland doesn't wanna talk to you because he's afraid he might get burnt again and owned...^_^