Allright guys, this is the place where we, the gangstas, hang like the cool people we are. Here's the list of gangstas we have now: 1.Tallian-Spamming Gangsta 2.Darkwatch-The curly-haired gangsta 3.XxAxelEightxX-Gothic gangsta 4.No_Reality_Allowed- Ghetto/Gangsta 5.Rikku-Gangsta Rap 6.KairiSoraKeyofLight-Too cool for school gangsta/First Gangsta member 7.Mish-Machine gun gangsta 8.bandit82894- mailman Gangsta If your not on the list, your not a gangsta and you can't post here! But, there is an exception, register your gangsta pass here and tell us what you want your gangsta title to be. Nuff said.
It's your choice. Your still cool without it, my gangsta pal.
Dude, if you go up against one of our gangstas, we'll be forced to kill you- nuff said. Now, if you had a gangsta pass everything would be different.
I have a tv like that. It gets nice color, doesn't it?^_^ Awwww.......Guxas even rox as a baby.
For all of you who want to be known as a spammer and bear this awesome siggy: It's for anyone and everyone that love the spam Forum as much as I do. Bear this with proud.
I'm not sure if I'd rather have it on the Wii or PS3. But I'm glad it'll be on the PS3. I don't know if I'll be able to buy a PS3, but I'm happy for everyone that can.(P.S. When you buy your PS3, buy me one.)
Yeah, I haven't seen him for like thirty episodes and he was all like," Let's go to the dojo." That wussy.