For next Gen. I hope that the game of the year is Assassins Creed, I will die if it isn't, it looks so cool.
Here it is if anyone wants to see the Live coverage and does not have G4, such as myself.;e3
What games are they announcing in E3?
Did you notice Destiny Islands had a volcano? I wasn't looking properly until I saw it, maybe Destiny Islands is near or in Tokyo City or something, watched this movie called Godzilla, they could probably have a Volcano eruption and you have to race down to the beach to escape avoiding obstacles and there's a bar telling you how far you are from the Lava in Kingdom Hearts 3, or is it a mountain?
How long do you think it will take if the PS3 cuts there price by $100 that Microsoft will cut their console's price? Since we all know Microsoft will do anything to win.
This is the thread where I post numorous pics from Video Games and Anime, if you want to sign up, go to the Caption Contest Sign up thread, I am doing points and with certain points you can buy things, if you get 15 points you can buy a Struggle Bat and 30 for a Keyblade. Rules: I'm only allowing two swear words per caption. You can only do it once, if you post a diffrent caption I can only allow your first. Sexual refrences allowed but keep them PG-13. Try and make it funny! There's first and second place 1. advent_of_apocalypse: Point 2. Emo Pengwin: Point 3. *Oblivion*: Point 4. tummer73 : Point 5. FinalForm: Point 6. Valerie (Since you won't except AnimeGirl104): Point 7. Dual Wielder: 2 Points 8. RoxasNoxas: 1 Point 9. iwantedtoexplode First Pic
These are both the crapest MMORPGs in exsistence but which one is better?
Since the other threads were dead and I have no doubt this will probably die too, would you see it since you've seen trailers and 7-11s (don't know how many) have turned into a Kwiki Mart, and the Spider-Pig trailer looks funny, dosen't it?
Which Swap Magic should I get? The one for Pal, or the one for NTSC/J because I live in the UK so anyone know? What do you think about this new Playstation Home thing? Sorry if this has already been done.
No really, he's in High School. And he sometimes throws eggs at the school and the kids, he nearly threw a Egg at me, good thing I dodged, also when I was walking home with my friends we looked up and he shouting "Oi, don't look at me or I'll kill you." So we just continued, he's been in Prison twice, and I saw him with a knife.
Sorry if this has already been created but every day or so I put on a picture of any Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy game and you have to make up what they are saying. Put down if you want to be in it or not and I'll put it up on the post. You will get points for the best one, I'll judge it. For third you get 1 point for second you get 2 points and for third funniest you get 3 points so start now, I'm only putting up 10 people for now, if you want to join post and I'll add another number up. 1. advent_of_apocalypse 2. Emo Pengwin 3. *Oblivion* 4. tummer73 5. FinalForm 6. Valerie (Since you won't except AnimeGirl104) 7. Dual Wielder 8. 9. 10.
Did you know you could make your own slide tool?