;title;0 I hate EA.
In Diamond or Pearl if you have all of them then just say so, mine are: Machoke Monferno Bibarel Luxray Staraptor Pachirisu Abra Kricketot Zubat Budew Shellos Buizel Meditie Chingling Ponyta Stunky Psyduck Bronzor Geodude Cranidos
Could BBS be rated T? I mean Nomura did say that the story would be more serious and stuff but then again there probably might have to do editing for the English version, so do you think we will get a T rating?
This is for fun where you make a fan made cover for the game.
I'll be using: Axel Roxas Larxene Even though it doesn't have backwards compatibility and two USB ports it probably will make the PS3 sales go even higher.
1. Destiny Islands 2. Sunset Horizons 3. Radiant Garden/ Hollow Bastion 4. Sleeping Beauty World 5. Cinderella World 6. Olympus Colliseum Well that's all we know about for the World's in this game. Hoping for a Snow White World.
Are any of you actually going to be able to use Multi player, considering your friends aren't fans of Kingdom Hearts or don't have a DS? I wonder if you can do bosses on single player mode.
Wouldn't it be cool to be able to connect with people from other places and play online, if so that would be cool. As none of my friends seem to have a Nintendo DS and are more interested in PSPs.
I'm going to leave the forum when the next game comes, since I really don't want spoilers and I know some of you will import from Japan. But I will return when the next game comes to the UK and I finish it off. Scratch that, make it next two games. Another Little Big Planet developer walkthrough and it also includes a timer for the game scoring system. It looks so cool and when I mean MGS i mean MGS4, forgot to put the 4.
What is Endless Crisis : Final Fantasy VII? I know it's a spin off, or is it a remake?
Any Disney worlds will be in the next Kingdom Hearts game? The spin off one? I can't imagine people in armor travelling in gummi ships and locking keyholes. I have nothing to say except click it, Bill Gates will murder lots of Rabbits if you don't. Amazon aren't having a good week, see if you can spot any mistakes.
was on cell phone, would you still buy it? And also how do you p ut a poll up?
How do you open the chest in Traverse Town that says their must be a secret to opening it?
But I don't know which one to use, should I use a Slide Card and take my disk tray cover out, should I get my PS2 modded or should I use a Flip top cover?
That was taken off Kingdom Hearts Insider, now looking at this, I beleive Sony has gone too far, I mean first Sony North America denies that the 60GB version will be finished with and say the translation was wrong, I don't know to beleive SCEE or SCEA and second I found this.